ACM0012: Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions for waste gas or waste heat or waste pressure based energy system” --- Version 2.0

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Title Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions for waste gas or waste heat or waste pressure based energy system” (403 KB)

The additionality of the project activity shall be demonstrated and assessed using the Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality (192 KB)

Other tool referenced in this methodology:

Version number
Scale Large scale --- Consolidated
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 02 Nov 07 to 15 Aug 08
Sectoral scope(s) 1, 4
Sources NM0155-rev , NM0179 , NM0192-rev

Replaces: ACM0004 , AM0024 , AM0032
Clarifications* Applicability for waste heat utilization from MSW incineration plant (submitted 06 Nov 07): AM_CLA_0066 (127 KB)
'Q BL product’ determination in cases where no 3 years historic data is available (submitted 18 Jan 08): AM_CLA_0071 (126 KB)
Calculation of fcap ¬ for waste heat recovery projects (submitted 24 Feb 08): AM_CLA_0075 (116 KB)
Applicability of ACM0012 for waste gas that is used for steam generation in a boiler and where the generated steam replaces steam extracted from a steam turbine (submitted 27 Mar 08): AM_CLA_0085 (117 KB)
Definition of project proponent and CER claimants (submitted 09 May 08): AM_CLA_0099 (118 KB)
Request for clarification regarding the claim of meassuring Qwg,y (Quantity of waste gas used for energy generation during year y) for waste heat projects (submitted 21 May 08): AM_CLA_0101 (129 KB)
Applicability for waste heat utilizaion from MSW incineration facility (submitted 09 Jul 08): AM_CLA_0108 (121 KB)
Switching of alternative stream of gas to replace flare gas in a refinery on a GJ for GJ basis. (submitted 17 Jul 08): AM_CLA_0112 (118 KB)
Verification of total energy supplied by the generator through summation of electricity received by the recipient plants (submitted 10 Nov 10): AM_CLA_0201 (174 KB)
Revisions* Revision to extend applicability to include use of mechanical energy to displace electric motors (submitted 29 Nov 07): AM_REV_0073 (119 KB)
Baseline addition covering projects that increase significantly the use of flared/vent waste gas (project) combined with a smaller amount of waste gas already used for captive power (baseline), generating electricity in a new facility (submitted 21 Dec 07): AM_REV_0075 (133 KB)
Previous Versions
Title Consolidated baseline methodology for GHG emission reductions for waste gas or waste heat or waste pressure based energy system” --- Version 1 (344 KB)
Version number 1.0
Validity Valid from 05 Jul 07 to 01 Nov 07
Requests for registration can be submitted until 01 Jul 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1, 4
Revisions* Revision to apply approved methodology to increase waste pressure/heat recovery for power generation where existing facilities already use a share of pressure/heat in electricity generation process (submitted 09 Aug 07): AM_REV_0059 (121 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.