ACM0002: Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 21.0

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Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources (554 KB)

Tools referenced in this methodology:

Version number
Scale Large scale --- Consolidated
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 02 Nov 22 to 30 May 24
Requests for registration can be submitted until 25 Jan 2025 23:59:59 GMT

Sectoral scope(s) 1
Sources NM0001-rev , NM0012-rev , NM0023 , NM0024-rev , NM0030-rev , NM0036 , NM0043 , NM0055

Replaces: AM0005
Clarifications* Clarification on applicability of ACM0002 or AM0123 to grid-connected renewable energy projects supplying electricity to a third party consumer wherein consumer and producers are different entities (submitted 08 Jan 24): AM_CLA_0310 (126 KB)
Revisions* Revision of ACM0002 to include grid-connected Long-Duration Pumped Storage Projects (LD PSP) (submitted 31 Aug 23): AM_REV_0265 (82 KB)
Previous Versions
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 20 (537 KB)
Version number 20.0
Validity Valid from 28 Nov 19 to 01 Nov 22
Requests for registration can be submitted until 30 Jun 2023 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Clarification regarding application of ACM0002 for captive purpose (submitted 17 Jan 22): AM_CLA_0297 (107 KB)
Clarification on applicability of ACM0002 to grid-connected renewable energy projects supplying electricity to a captive consumer (submitted 30 Mar 23): AM_CLA_0304 (121 KB)
Revisions* Revision to ACM0002 to include battery energy storage systems (BESS) to greenfield and existing renewable power generation power plants (submitted 30 Mar 22): AM_REV_0261 (83 KB)
Request to revision of ACM0002 to integrate battery energy storage system (BESS) to renewable energy projects supplying electricity to the captive user and or sale through open access (submitted 13 Sep 22): AM_REV_0262 (131 KB)
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 19 (724 KB)
Version number 19.0
Validity Valid from 31 Aug 18 to 27 Nov 19
Requests for registration can be submitted until 24 Jul 2020 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 18 (720 KB)
Version number 18.1
Validity Valid from 26 Apr 18 to 30 Aug 18
Requests for registration can be submitted until 27 Apr 2019 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 17 (653 KB)
Version number 17.0
Validity Valid from 13 May 16 to 25 Apr 18
Requests for registration can be submitted until 21 Dec 2018 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Request for clarification for the multipurpose use of hydropower reservoirs under ACM0002 (submitted 06 Mar 17): AM_CLA_0276 (112 KB)
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 16 (627 KB)
Version number 16.0
Validity Valid from 28 Nov 14 to 12 May 16
Requests for registration can be submitted until 08 Jan 2017 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Clarification on the applicability of ACM0002 to a rehabilitation hydro project when the project activity electricity generation is lower than the historical generation data (submitted 05 Mar 15): AM_CLA_0266 (105 KB)
Calculation of EGpj,y and monitoring in the case of a capacity addition hydro power plant CDM project which was also subject to a retrofit that is not included in the CDM scope (submitted 26 May 15): AM_CLA_0267 (217 KB)
Revisions* Revision of ACM0002 to become applicable to geothermal technologies with binary or closed-loop heat exchange systems without accounting for project emissions (submitted 03 Sep 15): AM_REV_0256 (170 KB)
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 15 (609 KB)
Version number 15.0
Validity Valid from 01 Jun 14 to 27 Nov 14
Requests for registration can be submitted until 25 Jul 2015 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 14 (1174 KB)
Version number 14.0
Validity Valid from 04 Oct 13 to 31 May 14
Requests for registration can be submitted until 26 Jan 2015 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 13 (320 KB)
Version number 13.0.0
Validity Valid from 11 May 12 to 03 Oct 13
Requests for registration can be submitted until 31 May 2014 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* The eligibility of the combination of ACM0002, AMS-I.D, AMS-I.A, AMS-I.F and AMS-I.L in a renewable energy PoA (submitted 16 Nov 12): AM_CLA_0241 (69 KB)
Clarification on the applicability of ACM0002 Version 13.0.0 to a hydropower project activity (submitted 14 Mar 13): AM_CLA_0247 (64 KB)
Title Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 12 (312 KB)
Version number 12.3.0
Validity Valid from 17 Sep 10 to 10 May 12
Requests for registration can be submitted until 11 Jan 2013 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Definition of an existing reservoir (submitted 03 May 11): AM_CLA_0215 (159 KB)
Hydropower addition to a multipurpose reservoir (submitted 20 Jul 11): AM_CLA_0217 (144 KB)
Clarification on how to calculate the EGPJ as the quantity of electricity generated by the project activity and supplied to the grid and to the electricity consuming facility, under ACM0002 (submitted 23 Jun 21): AM_CLA_0290 (625 KB)
Revisions* Revision to extend applicability of ACM0002 to concentrated solar power plants (CSP) (submitted 06 Oct 10): AM_REV_0203 (156 KB)
Request for revision in definition of Capacity Addition for renewable energy projects (submitted 03 Oct 11): AM_REV_0228 (140 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 11 (307 KB)
Version number 11.0
Validity Valid from 26 Feb 10 to 16 Sep 10
Requests for registration can be submitted until 17 May 2011 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Applicability of ACM0002 to hydropower plants increasing power output through control and removal of the sedimentation accumulating in existing reservoirs (submitted 07 May 10): AM_CLA_0181 (185 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 10 (304 KB)
Version number 10.0
Validity Valid from 11 Jun 09 to 25 Feb 10
Requests for registration can be submitted until 25 Oct 2010 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Clarification on applicabilty conditions of ACM0002 Version 10 (submitted 13 Nov 09): AM_CLA_0169 (143 KB)
Clarification of definitions (plant and facility) in the context of two or more renewable energy plants (geothermal or hydro) sharing the same resources (submitted 14 Dec 12): AM_CLA_0243 (209 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 9 (273 KB)
Version number 9.0
Validity Valid from 27 Feb 09 to 10 Jun 09
Requests for registration can be submitted until 10 Feb 2010 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Clarification on monitoring parameter TEGy of ACM0002 version 09 (submitted 15 Feb 12): AM_CLA_0228 (149 KB)
Revisions* Expansion of applicability conditions of ACM0002 to include refurbishment/replacement of operational units and corresponding calculation of baseline emissions. (submitted 20 Mar 09): AM_REV_0143 (155 KB)
Expansion of applicability conditions of ACM0002 to include refurbishment/replacement of facilities affected by negative long term alterations. (submitted 20 Mar 09): AM_REV_0144 (148 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 8 (274 KB)
Version number 8.0
Validity Valid from 05 Dec 08 to 26 Feb 09
Requests for registration can be submitted until 26 Oct 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 7 (261 KB)
Version number 7.0
Validity Valid from 14 Dec 07 to 04 Dec 08
Requests for registration can be submitted until 04 Aug 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Request for clarification on “Definition of grid” (submitted 08 May 08): AM_CLA_0097 (122 KB)
Negative emissions in grid connected electricity generation from renewable sources (submitted 30 May 08): AM_CLA_0103 (116 KB)
Treatment of installing experimental wind turbine in a registered CDM wind project (submitted 10 Jul 08): AM_CLA_0106 (131 KB)
Applicability to projects where a dam is built for irrigation and thus not a result of a CDM project activity (submitted 10 Jul 08): AM_CLA_0114 (146 KB)
Request for clarification on calculation of EGhistorical (submitted 14 Oct 08): AM_CLA_0130 (121 KB)
Revisions* Consideration of existing units’ electricity generation in the baseline (submitted 22 Sep 08): AM_REV_0122 (113 KB)
Project emissions on account of fossil fuel used in the solar thermal power plant for augmentation of steam temperature for power generation. (submitted 09 Oct 08): AM_REV_0128 (114 KB)
Revision to extend the application of ACM0002 and corresponding calculation of baseline emissions (submitted 20 Nov 08): AM_REV_0129 (155 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 6 (395 KB)
Version number 6.0
Validity Valid from 18 May 06 to 13 Dec 07
Requests for registration can be submitted until 13 Aug 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* The type of justification needed for not using the preferred Dispatch Analysis option for calculating the Operating Margin Emission Factor (submitted 13 Dec 06): AM_CLA_0037 (120 KB)
Clarification on data vintage if OM or BM emission coefficient is monitored ex-post (submitted 04 Dec 06): AM_CLA_0038 (122 KB)
Calculation of power density (submitted 07 Jun 07): AM_CLA_0049 (116 KB)
Types of capacity additions to be included in the BM (submitted 10 Aug 07): AM_CLA_0054 (133 KB)
Applicability of ACM0002 to hydropower plants increasing electricity production through the diversion of water from further creeks into the reservoir without expansion of the installed power capacity (submitted 28 Sep 07): AM_CLA_0061 (134 KB)
Monitoring of non-condensible gas emissions (submitted 01 Oct 07): AM_CLA_0062 (112 KB)
Revisions* Electricity generation projects resulting in emissions reductions in another non-Annex I country (submitted 25 Jul 06): AM_REV_0018 (127 KB)
Treatment of electricity exported from a project activity to a grid located in a different country (submitted 19 Sep 06): AM_REV_0026 (177 KB)
Approach for the exclusion of immaterial parts of a multinational grid (submitted 26 Oct 06): AM_REV_0027 (122 KB)
Enable the use of ACM0002 for power plants that result in emission reductions in another non-Annex I country because of the enhancement of dispatch of clean energy to that grid. (submitted 31 Oct 06): AM_REV_0029 (121 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 5 (417 KB)
Version number 5.0
Validity Valid from 02 Mar 06 to 17 May 06
Requests for registration can be submitted until 14 Jul 2006 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 4 (322 KB)
Version number 4.0
Validity Valid from 28 Nov 05 to 01 Mar 06
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Consideration of registered CDM projects in the build and operating margin (submitted 16 Dec 05): AM_CLA_0014 (28 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 3 (350 KB)
Version number 3.0
Validity Valid from 29 Sep 05 to 27 Nov 05
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Build Margin - Approach to determine recent 20% if 20% falls on part capacity (submitted 13 Nov 05): AM_CLA_0009 (154 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 2 (216 KB)
Version number 2.0
Validity Valid from 02 Dec 04 to 11 Oct 05
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Determination of relevant electricity grid boundaries in India – state grid vs. regional grid vs. national grid (submitted 27 Jul 05): AM_CLA_0001 (146 KB)
Proposal to complement ACM002 and add a calculation of the amount of energy generated by the plants before the project. (submitted 28 Jul 05): AM_CLA_0002 (134 KB)
Request for clarification on step 0 of the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality" (submitted 04 Oct 05): EB 22 meeting report (237 KB)
Title Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources --- Version 1 (214 KB)
Version number 1.0
Validity Valid from 02 Sep 04 to 01 Dec 04
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Clarifications* Clarification regarding the demonstration of Additionality in case of transfer of assets (submitted 15 Oct 11): AM_CLA_0223 (175 KB)
Application of combination of large scale methodology ACM0002 and small-scale methodology AMS I.D in a renewable energy PoA (submitted 10 Feb 12): AM_CLA_0227 (152 KB)
Applicability of ACM0002 to existing hydropower plants increasing electricity generation through the construction of a new reservoir (submitted 10 Dec 13): AM_CLA_0254 (107 KB)
Clarifications on updating DATEBaselineRetrofit of ACM0002 and on changing the grid emission factor calculation approach from ex post to ex ante (submitted 13 Nov 18): AM_CLA_0280 (106 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.