AM0051: Secondary catalytic N2O destruction in nitric acid plants --- Version 1.0

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Title Secondary catalytic N2O destruction in nitric acid plants (642 KB)

The additionality of the project activity shall be demonstrated and assessed using the Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality (192 KB)

Version number
Scale Large scale
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 03 May 07 to 01 Nov 07
Sectoral scope(s) 5
Approval history NM0176-rev
Revisions* Revision to AM0051 to simplify the practical application of methodology and clarify some points in the existing methodology (submitted 30 Jul 07): AM_REV_0057 (133 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.