ACM0007: Methodology for conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation --- Version 1.0

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Title Methodology for conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation (228 KB)

The additionality of the project activity shall be demonstrated and assessed using the Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality (260 KB)

Version number
Scale Large scale --- Consolidated
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 27 Nov 05 to 17 May 07
Sectoral scope(s) 1
Sources NM0070 , NM0078-rev
Revisions* Redefine the Single cycle to combined cycle definition as to utilize previously-unused waste heat from an engine in a power plant, with a single-cycle capacity, and utilize the heat to produce steam for a turbine – thus making the system combined-cycle (submitted 05 Feb 07): AM_REV_0037 (111 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.