AM0090: Modal shift in transportation of cargo from road transportation to water or rail transportation --- Version 1.1.0

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Title Modal shift in transportation of cargo from road transportation to water or rail transportation (309 KB)
Word version (290 KB)

Tools referenced in this methodology:

Version number
Scale Large scale
Status Active
Validity Valid from 17 Sep 10 onwards
Sectoral scope(s) 7
Approval history NM0320
Clarifications* Request for clarification regarding the cargo transportation (submitted 29 Nov 10): AM_CLA_0196 (147 KB)
Clarification about the applicability condition regarding cargo transported under the project activity (submitted 30 Apr 12): AM_CLA_0233 (154 KB)
Clarification on the application of combined tool and on classification of cargo transported (submitted 02 Jul 14): AM_CLA_0261 (206 KB)
Clarification on the transportation of multiple cargo under AM0090 (submitted 09 Aug 21): AM_CLA_0292 (94 KB)
Clarification on the transportation of cargo through ferry under AM0090 (submitted 09 Aug 22): AM_CLA_0300 (135 KB)
Revisions* Extension of the methodology AM0090 for multiple origin points and multiple destination points, apart from the inclusion of transport made by containers, regardless of the type of goods transported, taking into account the tare and the weight of the container (submitted 22 Nov 11): AM_REV_0225 (153 KB)
AM0090 Version 01.1.0: Expansion of applicability criteria to include various routes and cargo types (submitted 09 Jul 12): AM_REV_0244 (138 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.