19:02 09 Oct 24
GHG emission reductions through multi-site manure collection and treatment in a central plant --- Version 1.0
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Title |
GHG emission reductions through multi-site manure collection and treatment in a central plant (716 KB)
Word version (1568 KB)
Tools referenced in this methodology:
Project emissions from flaring (416 KB)
Version number |
Scale | Large scale | |
Status | Active | |
Validity | Valid from 27 Nov 08 onwards | |
Sectoral scope(s) | 13, 15 | |
Approval history | NM0239 | |
Clarifications* | Clarification on the applicability conditions for manure treatment systems under AM0073 and ACM0010 (submitted 18 Oct 21): AM_CLA_0295 (126 KB) | |
Clarification on the application of the monthly average temperature in AM0073 (submitted 10 May 22): AM_CLA_0299 (88 KB) | ||
Clarification on the frequency of TKN testing requirements under AM0073 (submitted 17 Nov 23): AM_CLA_0309 (88 KB) |
* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.
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