21:59 09 Mar 25
Register a A/R CDM project activity
In accordance with the modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities:
"Registration is the formal acceptance by the Executive Board of a validated project as a for afforestation and reforestation CDM project activity. Registration is the prerequisite for the verification, certification and issuance of CERs related to that A/R project activity". Decision 5/CMP.1 (735 KB)
The Designated Operational Entity shall;
- Submit A/R CDM Project Activity Registration Form
The designated operational entity shall submit to the Executive Board, if it determines the proposed A/R project activity to be valid, a request for registration in the form of a validation report.
- Include the project design document for afforestation and reforestation project activities(CDM-AR-PDD),
- The written approval of the host Party as referred to in (para. 15 (a) of the Annex, decision 5/CMP.1) and an explanation of how it has taken due account of comments received.
- Pay registration fee
The Executive Board provided additional guidance on the level of registration fee to be charged for registration of A/R CDM project activities.
- The Board, at its eighth meeting, further clarified that the date of receipt of a request for registration is the date when the deposit of the registration fee indicated in the registration form has been received by the secretariat.
- The banking information required for the payment of the registration fee may be requested from the secretariat (secretariat@unfccc.int), by indicating a fax number to which the information should be forwarded.
- The Registration
"The registration by the Executive Board shall be deemed final eight weeks after the date of receipt by the Executive Board of the request for registration, unless a Party involved in the A/R project activity or at least three members of the Executive Board request a review of the proposed A/R CDM project activity. The review by the Executive Board shall be made in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) It shall be related to issues associated with the validation requirements;
(b) It shall be finalized no later than at the second meeting following the request for review, with the decision and the reasons for it being communicated to the project participants and the public.(para. 16 of the Annex, decision 5/CMP.1)
"A proposed A/R project activity that is not accepted may be reconsidered for validation and subsequent registration, after appropriate revisions, provided that this afforestation or reforestation project activity follows the procedures and meets the requirements for validation and registration, including those related to public comments."(para. 17 of the Annex, decision 5/CMP.1)
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