Workshop on Programme of Activities under the Clean Development Mechanism
Workshop on Programme of Activities under the Clean Development
Mechanism: Challenges and the Road Ahead |
The summary of the recent public calls for inputs, available as Annex 7 to the annotations to the sixtieth meeting of the Executive Board, has identified the concerns and the barriers faced currently by the PoAs.
Aim of the workshop:
Analysis of the procedural and regulatory barriers and the issues identified in the call for public inputs for the PoA and identification and analysis of additional barriers and challenges.
2. Identify potential solutions to overcome the barriers with more emphasis on the options for way forward.
3. Provide advanced inputs to the work on further improvement in the regulatory framework in line with the directions provided by the Board in its sixtieth meeting (Annex 27 of the meeting report).
Date : 7-8 May 2011 | Venue :Beethovenhalle, Wachsbleiche 16, 53111 Bonn, Germany |
Documents : Full agenda List of participants Speakers Biographies |
Time | Topic | Presentations |
DAY 1 - 7th May 2011 | ||
8:30 - 9:00 | Registration | |
9.00-9.10 | Welcome Address Conor Barry UNFCCC |
9.10-9:25 | Session 1: Outcome of the Public Call for Inputs on PoA 1.1-Presentation on Summary of Public call for Inputs Amit Thusu, UNFCCC Secretariat |
9.25-11:15 | Session 2: Challenges in implementation of PoA policy and procedures:
2.1- Recent Challenges/Problems of various Stakeholders in Implementing a PoA 2.2- Experiences and challenges from the perspectives of a DOE 2.3- Experiences and challenges from the perspectives of a Stakeholder 2.4- Experiences and challenges from the perspectives of a Stakeholder - Q &A; Session |
11.15-11.25 | Session 3: Setting expectations of the workshop Conor Barry, UNFCCC Secretariat |
11.00 - 11.30 | Break | |
11.40-13.15 | Session 4.1: PoA Case Studies - Challenges and lessons learnt Energy and Agriculture Sectors Moderator: Dhirendra Kumar UNFCCC
4.1.1- PoA for Household Biogas to Power: A Case Study of Application of Multiple Methodologies -
Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme
4.1.2- PoA for Industrial Biomass Heat Generation Sector: A Case Study - Promotion of Biomass Based Heat Generation Systems in India 4.1.3- PoA for methane emission reductions from rice cultivation in Indonesia: A Case Study Felix Nickel FutureCamp Climate GmbH - Q &A; Session |
11.00 - 11.30 | Session 4.2: PoA Case Studies - Challenges and lessons learnt Demand-side Energy Efficiency Sector Moderator: Philip Gwage, Chair of Meth Panel
4.2.1- PoA for Cook Stoves: A Multi-Nation Case Study - Improved Cook Stoves for East Africa 4.2.2 PoA for CFL lighting with the application of AMS-II.J: A Case Study - CFL lighting scheme- "Bachat Lamp Yojana“
4.2.3- PoA for CFL lighting with the application of AMS-II.C: A Case Study -Cuidemos Mexico (Campaña de Uso Intelegente de Energía Mexico) -Smart Use of Energy Mexico |
13.15-14.15 | Lunch | |
14.15-15.35 | Session 5: PoA: Bringing Concept to Practice
Moderator: Gareth Phillips, Project Developer Forum
5.1- Best Practices for Preparing PoA-DD and CPA-DD: Project Developers perspective 5.2- Validation of a PoA and CPA Inclusion and best practices for establishing the criteria for CPA inclusion : DOEs perspective
5.3- Difficulties in verification of a PoA: DOEs perspective 5.4- Requirement of new rules for PoA: DOEs perspective - Q &A; Session |
15.35-16.45 | Session 6: Capacity Development for PoA Moderator: Philip Gwage, Chair of Meth Panel 6.1-E-learning Course on CDM PoA: A Curtain Raiser
6.2-Capacity development on CDM PoA: The Priority Sectors and Areas 6.3- Trends in PoAs: sector, methodology and region-wise & Demonstration of additionality approaches for PoAs - Q &A; Session |
16.45-17.00 | Coffee | |
17.00-18.10 | Session 7: Role of DNAs in PoA development and Integration with NAMAS Moderator: Fatou Gaye, SSC WG Chair 7.1- DNA Approval for PoA in Egypt - Egypt Vehicle Scrapping and Recycling Program: Challenges and Lessons learnt 7.2-Integration of PoA and NAMA; how can one support the other - Q &A; Session |
18.10 | End of Day 1 |
DAY 2 - 8th May 2011 | ||
Time | Topic | Presentations |
9.00-10.20 | Session 8: Additionality in the Context of PoA Moderator: Peer Stiansen, SSC WG Vice-Chair 8.1- Additionality & Eligibility Criteria oe Problems and ways out - Project Developers perspective 8.2- PoA or CPA level additionality: DOEs perspective - Q &A; Session |
10.20-10.35 | Session 9: Application of Sampling in Context to PoA Moderator: Gajanana Hedge, UNFCCC Secretariat 9.1- Difficulties in application of sampling under PoA framework: DOEs perspective 9.2- Best practices in application of sampling under PoA framework: DOEs perspective 9.3- Sampling approaches in monitoring and DOE work experience and expectations - Q &A; Session |
12.10-13.10 | Lunch Break | |
13.10-14.35 | Session 10: Liability in context of PoA - Challenges, lessons learnt and the way forward Moderator: Pedro Martins Barata, EB member
10.1- DOE Liability in context of PoA: Perspective of DOE 10.2- How to address DOE Liability in context of PoA: Perspective of Project Developers 10.3- Should liability be shared by DOE and PP/CME: Perspective of DOE 10.4- Should liability be shared by DOE and PP/CME: Perspective of PP/CME - Q &A; Session |
14.35-15.55 | Session 11: Application of Multiple Methodologies Moderator: Siddharth Yadav,SGS 11.1- Programme of Activities for Cities and suitability of current framework and rules 11.2- Difficulties in application of multiple methodologies - Q &A; Session |
15.55-16.10 | Coffee Break | |
16.10-17.55 | Session 12: Summary of the issues and solutions identified during the workshop and the way forward
12.1. PoA Additionality - Q &A; Session 12.2. PoA Liability - Q &A; Session 12.3. Sampling in the context of PoA Gajanana Hedge UNFCCC Secretariat - Q &A; Session 12.4. Application of multiple methodologies and technologies - Q &A; Session 12.5. Eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion - Q &A; Session |
17.55-18.00 | Closing Remarks Conor Barry UNFCCC Secretariat | |
18.00 | End of 2 Day Workshop |
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