Review Request Form
Submitted Request for Review Form (Version 03.0)
Title and UNFCCC reference number
of the project activity or
programme of activities (PoA)
9593: "Demand side energy efficiency measures in building lighting systems"
Titles and reference numbers of
the component project activities
(CPAs) covered by the request for issuance
Date of the request for issuance 2021/08/31
Monitoring period to which
the request for issuance applies
2014/06/06 - 2017/05/31
UNFCCC reference number of
the request for issuance
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures
(the annex to decision 3/CMP.1), the issues regarding which you request for review. Please tick the applicable boxes.
Please elaborate the reason for requesting a review on the issues you indicated in section 2 above

1) Refer to paragraph: paragraph 348 of VVS-PoA and paragraphs 24(a) and 25(a) of Standard for Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities (version 09).

The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the sampling conducted by the CME, in particular:

(a)    The calculated sample size to determine the electricity consumption by the sampled buildings (65 samples) as the sample size was calculated considering the parameter of interest as “proportional parameter” instead of “mean-value parameter”;

(b)    The reliability of the sampling against the required precision as there is no information provided in the verification report. In doing so, the DOE shall describe the sampling result and the achieved precision/reliability of each parameter “Average annual operating hours” (Oi) and “Energy Use”.


2) Refer to paragraph: paragraph 351 of VVS-PoA.

The DOE confirmed that the electricity meter is duly calibrated in line with the recommendations of the manufacturer, which is 8 years. The DOE is requested to explain how it verified the conduct of the calibration, as the monitoring plan specifies the calibration frequency as 5 years and the reported calibration date (02/01/2011) does not cover this entire monitoring period (06/06/2014 – 31/05/2017). In addressing the issue, the DOE/CME shall also: (i) Clarify if there are meters installed in all buildings/blocks under the CPA; (ii) Provide information on how many electricity meters are installed under the CPA, including the relevant information on the meters such as calibration date and accuracy as required by paragraph 263 of PS-PoA.


3) Refer to paragraph: paragraph 359 (c) of VVS-PoA.

The DOE is requested to further substantiate the conservativeness of the calculated emission reductions considering that the project emissions are calculated based on the timer switch readings are lower than project emissions calculated using the kWh meter (please refer to CL ID 04). In addressing this issue, the CME/DOE are requested to submit the emission reductions calculation using the kWh meter readings and timer switch readings, which covers this monitoring period.


4) Refer to paragraph: paragraphs 325 and 329 of VVS-PoA.

The DOE is requested to further substantiate how it closed the following findings:

(a)    CL ID 05. The finding  pointed out that there is no information when the electricity meters were installed. The DOE closed the finding by concluding that the installation date has been provided in the monitoring report. However, there is no such information provided in the monitoring report;

(b)    CAR ID 04. The finding pointed out that the monitoring report does not include information on relevant dates (e.g. construction, commissioning, start of operation) on the implementation of the included CPA and information on type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration and validity of meters. The DOE closed the finding by concluding that the schedule of implementation and the meter details are now included in the monitoring report. However, there is no such information in the monitoring report.

(c)     CAR ID 05. The finding pointed out that the monitoring report does not consider the correct small-scale threshold for type II project. The DOE closed the CAR by concluding that the CME has revised the monitoring report and the threshold for type II project has been included. However, the monitoring report still does not consider the correct small-scale threshold for type II project.