16:26 12 Mar 25
Governance | Accreditation | Methodology | Project Cycle
Governance Executive Board |
Current Version
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CDM business and management plan preparation, approval and monitoring | Ver01.0 CDM-EB97-A12-PROC |
Direct communication with stakeholders | Ver02.0 CDM-EB62-A15-PROC |
Rules of procedure of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism | Decision 4/CMP.1 | |
Terms of reference in relation to the membership of the Executive Board of the CDM | Decision 3/CMP.6 | |
Panels, Working Groups, Teams |
Current Version
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Terms of reference of the CDM rosters of experts | Ver01.2 CDM-EB74-A02-PROC |
Terms of reference of the support structure of the CDM EB | Ver06.0 CDM-EB61-A01-PROC |
Selection and performance evaluation of members of panels and working groups under the CDM Executive Board | Ver03.0 CDM-EB79-A01-PROC |
Selection and performance evaluation of experts on the CDM accreditation roster of experts | Ver01.0 CDM-EB79-A02-PROC |
Selection and performance evaluation of experts on the CDM registration and issuance team and methodologies rosters of experts | Ver01.1 CDM-EB83-A16-PROC |
Accreditation |
Current Version
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CDM accreditation procedure |
Ver17.0 CDM-EB05-A02-PROC |
Performance monitoring of designated operational entities | Ver05.0 CDM-EB58-A01-PROC |
Methodology |
Current Version
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Development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools | Ver02.1 CDM-EB70-A36-PROC |
Standardized baselines |
Current Version
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Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines |
Ver07.0 CDM-EB63-A28-PROC |
Small Scale |
Current Version
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Submission and consideration of microscale renewable energy technologies for automatic additionality Note: Further information on submitted and approved microscale renewable energy technologies is available here and further information on approved default values of fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) is available here . |
Ver04.0 CDM-EB65-A33-PROC |
Afforestation and Reforestation |
Current Version
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Change in the selected values of minimum tree crown cover, minimum land area and minimum tree height required for hosting an afforestation or reforestation project activity under CDM | Ver01.0 EB40 Annex01 |
Project Cycle |
Current Version
** Important Announcement ** See the clarification on the application of the temporary measures for the following submissions:
CDM project cycle procedure for project activities Note: Amendments to ver03.0 of CDM project cycle procedure for project activities on the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (CDM-EB119-A02-AMEN) Note: Clarification on post-registration change to the start date of the crediting period Checklists for this document: - Checklist for requests for registration of project activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for requests for post-registration changes to project activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for requests for issuance for project activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for requests for renewal of crediting period of project activities (Ver03.0) |
Ver03.0 CDM-EB93-A06-PROC |
CDM project cycle procedure for programmes of activities Note: Amendments to ver03.0 of CDM project cycle procedure for programmes of activities on the transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism (CDM-EB119-A03-AMEN) Note: Clarification on post-registration change to the start date of the crediting period Checklists for this document: - Checklist for requests for registration of programme of activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for requests for post-registration changes to programme of activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for notifications of post-registration changes to component project activities (Ver02.0) - Checklist for requests for issuance for programme of activities (Ver03.0) - Checklist for requests for renewal of programme of activities period (Ver03.0) |
Ver03.0 CDM-EB93-A09-PROC |
Process for dealing with letters from DNAs that withdraw approval/authorization | Ver01.0 CDM-EB76-A12-PROC |
Voluntary cancellation of CERs in the CDM registry | Ver02.0 CDM-EB69-A02-PROC |
Submission of requests for transfer of CERs in accordance with paragraph 11 of decision 2/CMP.17 | Ver01.0 CDM-EB123-A03-PROC |
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