17:07 12 Mar 25
Methodologies: Standardized Baseline | Large Scale | Small Scale | Afforestation and Reforestation | Small Scale Afforestation and Reforestation | Carbon Capture Storage | Project Cycle
Methodology - Standardized Baseline |
Current Version
Quality assurance and quality control of data used in the establishment of standardized baselines | Ver02.0 CDM-EB66-A49-GUID |
Methodology - Large Scale |
Current Version
Guideline: Development of a PoA applicable to buildings | Ver01.0 CDM-EB106-A04-GUID |
Guidance by the EB to the Meth Panel on guidelines for methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans | Ver01.0 EB05 Annex03 |
Guidance on avoiding double counting of emission sources | EB25 Para38 |
Guidance on bunker fuels | EB25 Para58 |
Guidance on double-counting in CDM project activities using blended biofuel for energy use | Ver01.0 EB26 Annex12 |
Guidance on eligibility of project activities that produce products whose consumption leads to emission reductions | Ver02.0 EB36 Annex16 |
Guidance on estimating emissions reductions related to fuels savings from project activities that primarily improve combustion efficiency of fuels | EB32 Para28 |
Guidance on expansion of industrial gas recovery methodologies to new facilities | Ver01.0 EB46 Annex10 |
Guidance on IPCC default values | EB25 Para59 |
Guidance regarding methodological issues: a. Use of and/or reference to lifecycle analysis in proposed new methodololgies b. OM/BM weighting in approved methodologies that use the combined margin approach c. Treatment of the lifetime of plants and equipment in proposed new baseline methodologies d. Consideration of uncertainties when using sampling e. Inclusion / exclusion of emission sources in baseline and monitoring methodologies |
Ver01.1 EB22 Annex02 |
Guidance related to avoided methane estimations | EB23 Para27 |
Guidance related to calibration (monitoring) requirements | EB24 Para37 |
Guidance related to the submission of methodologies for substitution, recycling, recovery and destruction of SF6 | EB38 Para18 |
Guidance related to use of additionality tool | EB31 Para 31 |
Guidelines for determining baselines for measure(s) | Ver01.0 EB69 Annex 21 |
Guidelines for objective demonstration and assessment of barriers | Ver01.0 EB50 Annex13 |
Guidelines for completing the proposed new baseline and monitoring methodology form | Ver02.0 CDM-EB66-A25-GUID |
Guidelines for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Note: To access sample size calculator, click here. |
Ver04.0 CDM-EB67-A06-GUID |
Guidelines for the consideration of interactive effects for the application of multiple CDM methodologies for a programme of activities | Ver01.0 EB68 Annex03 |
Guidelines for the reporting and validation of plant load factors | Ver01.0 EB48 Annex11 |
Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis Note: This guideline is applicable to requests for registration submitted by 19 March 2016. |
Ver05.0 EB 62 Annex 5 |
Guidelines on the consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies | Ver02.0 EB68 Annex02 |
Guidelines to calculate the fraction of methane in the landfill gas from periodical measurements | Ver01.0 EB48 Annex13 |
Eligibility of activities under the CDM | EB33 Para30 |
Methodology - Small Scale |
Current Version
Guideline: Development of a PoA applicable to buildings | Ver01.0 CDM-EB106-A04-GUID |
General guidelines for SSC CDM methodologies | Ver23.1 CDM-EB66-A23-GUID |
Guidance on bunker fuels | EB25 Para 58 |
Guidance on IPCC default values | EB25 Para59 |
Guidance on proven technologies | EB25 Para71 |
Guidance on responses to clarifications | EB25 Para70 |
Guidance on transfer of know-how and training as CDM project activities | EB23 Para80 |
Guidelines for completing the proposed new small-scale baseline and monitoring methodology form | Ver01.1 CDM-EB66-A26-GUID |
Guidelines for the consideration of interactive effects for the application of multiple CDM methodologies for a programme of activities | Ver01.0 EB68 Annex03 |
Guidelines for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities Note: To access sample size calculator, click here. |
Ver04.0 CDM-EB67-A06-GUID |
Guidelines on the consideration of suppressed demand in CDM methodologies | Ver02.0 EB68 Annex02 |
Non-binding best practice examples to demonstrate additionality for SSC project activities | Ver01.0 EB35 Annex34 |
Methodology - Afforestation and Reforestation |
Current Version
Guidance on avoiding double counting of emission sources | EB25 Para38 |
Guidelines for completing the proposed new afforestation and reforestation baseline and monitoring methodology form |
Ver01.1 CDM-EB66-A27-GUID |
Guidelines on accounting of specified types of changes in A/R CDM project activities from the description in registered project design documents | Ver02.0 EB66 Annex24 |
Guidelines on application of specified versions of A/R CDM methodologies in verification of registered A/R CDM project activities | Ver01.1 EB68 Annex31 |
Methodology - Small Scale Afforestation and Reforestation |
Current Version
Guidelines for completing the small-scale afforestation and reforestation baseline monitoring and methodology submission form |
Ver01.1 CDM-EB66-A28-GUID |
Methodology - Carbon Capture and Storage |
Current Version
Guidelines for completing the proposed new carbon capture and storage baseline and monitoring methodology form |
Ver01.1 CDM-EB67-A25-GUID |
Project Cycle Pre-registration |
Current Version
Guidelines for completing the small-scale CDM project activities bundling form | Ver02.0 EB66 Annex22 |
Validation & Registration |
Current Version
Letter of approval for carbon dioxide capture and storage project activities | Ver01.0 CDM-EB78-A06-GUID |
Guidelines and modalities for operationalization of a loan scheme to support the development of CDM project activities in countries with fewer than 10 registered CDM project activities. | Annex III FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/012/Add.2 |
Payment of a registration fee for a programme of activities (PoA) | EB33 Para60 |
Monitoring and Issuance |
Current Version
Guideline on the application of materiality in verifications |
Ver02.0 CDM-EB69-A06-GUID |
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