AR-AM0002: Restoration of degraded lands through afforestation/reforestation --- Version 2.0

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Title Restoration of degraded lands through afforestation/reforestation (578 KB)

The additionality of the project activity shall be demonstrated and assessed using the Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality in A/R CDM project activities (347 KB)

Version number
Scale Large scale
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 17 Oct 08 to 29 Oct 09
Sectoral scope(s) 14
Approval history ARNM0007-rev
Clarifications* Consideration of herbaceous vegetation in baseline stocks (submitted 06 Feb 09): AR_AM_CLA_0006 (122 KB)
Conservative reduction of the required precision levels of GHG removals at monitoring and verification by reducing the mean carbon density (submitted 28 May 10): AR_AM_CLA_0010 (151 KB)
Submission of a PDD for registration with a valid version of an approved methodology listed above, for which the Global Stakeholder Process (GSP) was started with a later version of the methodology (submitted 28 May 10): AR_AM_CLA_0011 (146 KB)
Applicability ofthe "Guidelines for the assessment for Investment Analysis" for AR-CDM project (submitted 28 May 10): AR_AM_CLA_0012 (134 KB)
Inclusion of other AR-Methodologies to EB 63 Annex 26 (submitted 25 May 12): AR_AM_CLA_0018 (107 KB)
General guidance on cases where the uncertainty in estimation of carbon stocks exceeds allowable maximum uncertainty (submitted 14 Jan 13): AR_AM_CLA_0019 (64 KB)
Previous Versions
Title Restoration of degraded lands through afforestation/reforestation --- Version 1 (776 KB)
Version number 1.0
Validity Valid from 18 May 06 to 16 Oct 08
Requests for registration can be submitted until 16 Jun 2009 23:59:59 GMT
Sectoral scope(s) 14
Clarifications* Consideration of herbaceous vegetation in baseline stocks (submitted 06 Feb 09): AR_AM_CLA_0006 (122 KB)
Conservative reduction of the required precision levels of GHG removals at monitoring and verification by reducing the mean carbon density (submitted 28 May 10): AR_AM_CLA_0010 (151 KB)
Applicability ofthe "Guidelines for the assessment for Investment Analysis" for AR-CDM project (submitted 28 May 10): AR_AM_CLA_0012 (134 KB)
Use of different predictors in allometric equations than the dbh. (submitted 28 Jun 11): AR_AM_CLA_0015 (134 KB)
General guidance on cases where the uncertainty in estimation of carbon stocks exceeds allowable maximum uncertainty (submitted 14 Jan 13): AR_AM_CLA_0019 (64 KB)
Approval history ARNM0007-rev

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the A/R WG are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.