CDM Audio Files

These audio files were created to help spread the word about the clean development mechanism in plain language. If you would like to suggest a topic to be covered in an audio file, why not drop a line to Please read our important disclaimer by clicking on the link at the top right corner. These audio files are in the public domain. Their use, including embedding and reproduction, is highly encouraged.

What is the CDM?
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What is the Clean Development Mechanism?

-David Abbass, UNFCCC
Why participate?
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Why should I participate in CDM projects?

-Siddharth Yadav, SGS, UK Ltd, United Kingdom
I have an idea
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I have an idea, what should I do?
-Poncho Debelay, South Africa
-Massamba Thioye, UNFCCC
-Victor Fodeke, DNA Nigeria
-Siddharth Yadav, SGS
CDM cycle
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What are the steps of the CDM cycle?

-Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, Ministry of Environment, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Who regulates the CDM?
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Who regulates the CDM?

-Daniele Violetti, UNFCCC
-David Abbass, UNFCCC
What is a DNA?
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What is a Designated National Authority (DNA)?

-Victor Fodeke, DNA Nigeria
-Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, DNA DRC
-Lwazikazi Tyani, DNA South Africa
What is a DOE?
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What is a Designated Operational Entity (DOE)?

-Dainosuke Odamura, Jaco CDM Co Ltd Japan
-Siddharth Yadav, SGS
Distribution of projects
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Why aren’t there that many CDM projects in Africa?

-Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, DNA DRC
The barriers
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What are the barriers in Africa?

-Victor Fodeke, DNA Nigeria
-Massamba Thioye, UNFCCC
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How can Africa benefit from the CDM?

-Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, DNA DRC
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Is there a potential for CDM projects in Africa?

-Victor Fodeke, DNA Nigeria
How to increase projects?
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What can be done to increase CDM projects in Africa?

-Lwazikazi Tyani, DNA South Africa
-Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, DNA DRC