04:00 10 Mar 25
UNFCCC/CDM International Photo Contest 2010

First Place: Boris Bronger Title: Installing Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs in India CDM Project: 1754 Visakhapatnam (India) OSRAM CFL Distribution CDM Project |
Photographer’s Bio: With a background in marketing and sales, Boris Bronger has been in charge of CDM projects
since 2007. He was born in Germany but lived for many years in the Philippines, the United States of America and Japan.
He is an amateur photographer who loves taking photos when travelling abroad. He bought his first camera when he was 12
and his first video camera when he was 14. Photo Description: Women working to replace GLS bulbs with energy-efficient lighting in domestic households in India. |
Second Place: Júlio Alberto Pavese Title: Learning to Change CDM Project: 0268 Lages Methane Avoidance Project |
Photographer’s Bio: Júlio Alberto Pavese is a Brazilian
sociologist who researches and photographs the social and cultural
benefits of hydropower plants in communities in Brazil. Description of Photo: Children grow vegetables using biomass ashes as fertilizer. As part of an educational programme funded by this CDM project, children were taught the life cycle of plants. |
Third Place: Christos Anagnostopoulos Title: The Farm Behind the Dunes CDM Project: 0740 Zafarana Wind Power Plant Project |
Photographer’s Bio: Greek-born Christos Anagnostopoulos has been a professional photographer since 2004.
In the past five years he has also worked as a director of photography for short films, documentaries,
advertisements and video clips. Photo Description: The photographer took part in an NGO initiative in which participants travelled in low-emission vehicles from Athens, Greece, to Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of recording and promoting renewable energy sources. One of the first stops on the journey was the Zafarana wind farm in Egypt. |
Biographies of the judges | Best of Changing Lives 2010
Thank you to all photographers who participated in the contest, and to all project participants
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