Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as CDM project activities
The consideration of the inclusion of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development
mechanism project activities has been considered in different instances including the CMP, the SBSTA and the CDM Executive
Board, dating back as early as November 2005, as registered in the report of the 22nd meeting of the CDM Executive Board*. Click on the link below for a brief summary of the more recent and relevant facts concerning this issue:
CMP 7 - November to December 2011 - Durban
SBSTA 33 - 2010
SBSTA 32 - 2010
CMP 5 - December 2009 - Copenhagen
SBTA 31 - December 2009 - Copenhagen
At its 50th meeting (October 2009) the CDM Executive Board, taking into account the reports prepared by the consultants and the discussions within the Board, agreed to present a summary of possible consequences of the inclusion of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities as contained in annex 11 of the report of that meeting. The document was included as an annex to the EB report to CMP 5. The first report prepared by the consultants was considered by the Executive Board at its 49th meeting and the final report, at its 50th meeting. The reports were used as inputs to the EB meetings and reflect solely the opinions of the consultants. Both reports are available on the CDM website as part of the annotations to the agendas of the 49th and 50th meetings of the Executive Board. The respective links are listed below. At its 47th meeting (May 2009) the CDM Executive Board considered (a) the draft terms of reference (ToR) to assess the implications of the possible inclusion of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in geological formations as CDM project activities prepared by the groups of members; (b) the draft document on the process for the selection of the CCS experts; (c) the list of experts that have applied to the call for experts on CCS. The Board agreed to the proposed ToR, as contained in annex 11 to the EB 47 meeting report, and selected the experts for this assignment using the proposed process for the selection. The selected candidates were contacted and contractual arrangements were agreed upon.
CDM Executive Board
SBSTA 30 - June 2009 - Bonn
CMP 4 - December 2008 - Poznan
SBSTA 28 - June 2008 - Bonn, and SBSTA 29 - December 2008 - Poznan
Developments prior to SBSTA 28 (June 2008)
Related submissions, documents and latest conclusion pertaining to this issue are available by clicking one of the links below:
FCCC/SBSTA/2012/L.21: Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair
FCCC/SBSTA/2012/MISC.12: Submissions from Parties, intergovernmental organizations and admitted observer organizations
FCCC/SBSTA/2012/MISC.12/Add.1: Submissions from Parties, intergovernmental organizations and admitted observer organizations
FCCC/TP/2012/9: Technical paper on transboundary carbon capture and storage project activities
Views on the eligibility of carbon dioxide capture and storage project activities involving transport
of carbon dioxide from one country to another or which involve geological storage sites that are located in more than one country;
and on the establishment of a global reserve of certified emission reduction units for carbon dioxide capture and storage project activities
Views on the eligibility of carbon dioxide
capture and storage project activities involving transport of carbon
dioxide from one country to another or which involve geological storage
sites that are located in more than one country; and on the establishment
of a global reserve of certified emission reduction units for carbon
dioxide capture and storage project activities
Views on the eligibility of carbon dioxide
capture and storage project activities involving transport of carbon
dioxide from one country to another or which involve geological storage
sites that are located in more than one country; and on the establishment
of a global reserve of certified emission reduction units for carbon
dioxide capture and storage project activities
Decision 10/CMP.7:
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities
Views on carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities.
Submissions from Parties.
Views on carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities.
Submissions from admitted observer organizations.
Synthesis of views on modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean
development mechanism project activities.
Report on the workshop on modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations
as clean development mechanism project activities.
Draft modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities.
Decision 7/CMP.6:
Carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities.
FCCC/SBSTA/2010/L.11Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair.
FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.2/Add.1 Views related to carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as a possible mitigation technology.
FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.2 Views related to carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as a possible mitigation technology.
Decision 2/CMP.5 Further guidance relating to the clean development mechanism.
FCCC/SBSTA/2009/8 Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
on its thirty-first session, held in Copenhagen from 8 to 12 December 2009
Further views on issues relevant to the consideration of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations
as project activities under the clean development mechanism
EB 50, Annex 11 to the meeting report
(16 October 2009) - A summary of possible consequences of the inclusion of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological
formations as clean development mechanism project activities
EB 50, Annex 1 to the agenda annotations
(13 October 2009) - Revised expert’s recommendation on CCS
EB 49, Annex 4 to the agenda annotations
(8 September 2009) - Expert’s recommendation on CCS
FCCC/SBSTA/2008/MISC.10 Add.1 Technological, methodological, legal, policy and financial issues relevant to the
consideration of CCS in geological formations as project activities under the CDM. Submissions from Parties
FCCC/SBSTA/2008/INF.1 Synthesis of views on issues relevant to the consideration of CCS in geological formations as
CDM project activities. Note by the secretariat
FCCC/SBSTA/2008/INF.3 Synthesis of views on technological, methodological, legal, policy, financial and other issues
relevant to the consideration of CCS in geological formations as CDM project activities. Note by the secretariat
FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.18/Add.2 Consideration of CCS as CDM project activities. Submissions from Parties. Addendum
FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.18/Add.1 Consideration of CCS as CDM project activities. Submissions from Parties. Addendum
Consideration of CCS as CDM project activities. Submissions from Parties
EB 26 Annex 13
(29 September 2006) - Annex to the report of the 26th meeting of the Executive Board - Recommendation on CO2 capture and storage
as CDM project activities based on the review of cases NM0167, NM0168 and SSC_038
(15 September 2006) - Consideration of carbon capture and storage as clean development mechanism project activities. Submissions from Parties
(15 August 2006) - Report on the workshop on carbon dioxide capture and storage as clean development mechanism project activities.
Note by the secretariat
(25 August 2006) - Report on the in-session workshop of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, at its
twenty-fourth session, on carbon dioxide capture and storage. Note by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and
Technological Advice

* Paragraph 23 of the referred report reads: “In the context of a methodology submitted to the Board which proposes using carbon capture and storage as a CDM project activity, the Board considered the general issue of carbon capture and storage as CDM project activities but could not come to an agreement. The Board agreed to request guidance from the COP/MOP on whether carbon capture and storage projects can be considered as CDM project activities taking into account issues relating to project boundary, leakage and permanence” (EB 22 report, 25 November 2005).
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