07:04 04 Feb 25
CDM and Technology Transfer
Since 2007, the UNFCCC secretariat has been assessing the co-benefits that the CDM provides in terms
of its contribution to the transfer of technology and knowledge between countries.
These analyses of information contained in project design documents indicate the level of technology
transfer that is occurring for different project types and host countries, as well as how this may be
seen against the assessment of technology needs.
The 2010 study approaches the subject with a wider scope, makes use of improved data and considers more CDM projects (up to 30 June 2010). It provides new perspectives on the technology transfer co-benefits of the CDM and shows in further detail that the CDM has been effective in delivering technology needed by developing countries.
The full studies are available for download.
2010 |
The contribution of the clean development mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol to technology transfer (1985 KB)
For the key data used in the 2010 study, please send an email request to cdm-info@unfccc.int |
2008 |
Analysis of Technology Transfer in CDM Projects (2008 report) (304 KB) |
Key findings of Technology Transfer in CDM study (29 KB) |
2007 |
Analysis of Technology Transfer in CDM Projects (2007 report) (298 KB) |
Key findings of Technology Transfer in CDM study (23 KB) |
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