Documents applicable to standardized baseline submissions made prior to 1 December 2013

This page contains documents applying to standardized baseline submissions made prior to 1 December 2013 which have been replaced by the "Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines (CDM-EB63-A28-PROC) and its relevant forms.

For any other applicable documents, please go back to the Rules & Reference section here.

Procedures  |   Forms

      Methodology - Standardized Baselines                                                                  
Reference Number
Submission and consideration of standardized baselines Ver02.0
EB68 Annex 32

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       Methodology - Standardized Baselines
           New Standardized Baselines
Reference Number
F-CDM-PSB - CDM proposed standardized baseline form Ver01.0 pdf msword
F-CDM-PSB-REC - CDM recommendation form for proposed standardized baselines Ver01.0 pdf msword
F-CDM-PSB-IA - CDM proposed standardized baseline initial assessment form Ver01.0 pdf msword
F-CDM-PSB-RF - Request for funding for assessment report form Ver01.0 pdf msword

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