16:22 09 Mar 25
Small scale A/R CDM project activities
A project which is eligible to be considered as a small scale A/R CDM project activity
can benefit from the simplified modalities and procedures, which were adopted by the Conference of the Parties at
its eighth session Simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale A/R clean development mechanism project activities (735 KB).
In order to reduce transaction costs associated to preparing and implementing a CDM project activity, the simplified modalities and procedures provide for the following simplifications:
- A simplified project design document (most recent version of the CDM-SSC-AR-PDD)
- Simplified methodologies for baseline determination and monitoring plans
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- Several small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activities under the CDM may be bundled for the purpose of validation. An overall monitoring plan that monitors performance of the constituent project activities on
a sample basis may be proposed for bundled project activities. If bundled project activities are registered with an overall monitoring plan, this monitoring plan shall be implemented and each verification/certification of
the net anthropogenic removals by sinks achieved shall cover all of the bundled project activities. However, please note a provision for avoidance of de-bundling of larger project activities as provided in
Appendix C (735 KB)
- A single designated operational entity (DOE) may perform validation as well as verification and certification for a small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM or for bundled small-scale
afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM.
- Simplified provisions for environmental impact analysis
Further guidance related to the registration fee for proposed A/R CDM project activities (106 KB) (Version 01, EB 36 Annex 21)
- Shorter review period for the registration of SSC CDM project
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