07:37 10 Feb 25
Submit a request for clarification of approved methodology or methodological tool
If you wish to submit a request for clarification of an approved methodology or methodological tool, taking into account the Appendix 1 of the Procedure for Development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools, please submit the following document (in MS Word and PDF formats) to the UNFCCC secretariat:
- The duly completed "Approved baseline and monitoring methodology/methodological tool clarification request" form (CDM-AMC-FORM)
- If you are a project participant, DNA, coordinating/managing entity of a planned CDM POA or any other stakeholder, please submit the form and any supporting documents to: sdm-ssu-methworkflows@unfccc.int.
- If you are a DOE, please use your submission interface for all submissions except if you are submitting a request for clarification of an approved small-scale methodology. In this case, please use the address above.
- For full information on the consideration process please read the Procedure for Development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools.
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