View PoA Issuance
Programme of Activities 00008438: Clean Cook Stoves in Sub-Saharan Africa by ClimateCare Limited
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ISSUANCE STATUS Issued   completeness check: complete | info & rep check: concluded
Issuance date 05 Aug 2020
Monitoring period 01 Jul 2018 - 30 Jun 2019
Monitoring report 8438 Monitoring Report.pdf (409 KB)
Request for issuance 8438 Signed RFI form.pdf (104 KB)
Issuance request number 8438-MP6-IRP1
Amount of CERs
Host Party CERs issued CP2 CERs available to be forwarded under CP2
Kenya 22,062 0
Serial Range: Block start: KE-5-1762938-2-2-0-8438     Block end: KE-5-1784999-2-2-0-8438  
Verification and certification reports VVS/VVM version: VVS-PoA 2.0
8438 Verification Report.pdf (859 KB)
8438 Verification Report.pdf (859 KB)
Additional documents 8438 ER Sheet.xlsx (9214 KB)

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