View PoA Issuance
Programme of Activities 00010045: Fuel Efficient Stoves for Ethiopia Programme of Activity
List of CPAs (view all CPAs)
Issuance date 18 Nov 2016
Monitoring period 15 Nov 2014 - 14 Nov 2015
Monitoring report 2. Monitoring report_v2.2_22.07.2016.pdf (1827 KB)
Request for issuance CCIPL 419 signed form.pdf (1046 KB)
Issuance request number 10045-MP1-IRP1
Initial issuance request number IR1-SUB1
Amount of CERs
Host Party CERs issued CP2 CERs available to be forwarded under CP2
Ethiopia 24,458 0
Serial Range: Block start: ET-5-102427-2-2-0-10045     Block end: ET-5-126884-2-2-0-10045  
Verification and certification reports VVS/VVM version: VVS 9.0
4. CCIPL419 VR CDM( TR comments) (1).pdf (1764 KB)
4. CCIPL419 VR CDM( TR comments).pdf (1764 KB)
Additional documents 3. ER_calculation_CPA1_WFP_Ethiopia_14.07.2016.xlsx (121 KB)
10045_IR1_SUB1_PoA Issuance checklist 2015VVS 9.xlsx (15 KB)