Review Request Form
Submitted Request for Review Form (Version 03.0)
Title and UNFCCC reference number
of the project activity or
programme of activities (PoA)
7359: "PoA for the Reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level"
Titles and reference numbers of
the component project activities
(CPAs) covered by the request for issuance
Date of the request for issuance 2021/08/16
Monitoring period to which
the request for issuance applies
2014/05/28 - 2017/05/02
UNFCCC reference number of
the request for issuance
Please indicate, in accordance with paragraphs 65 of the CDM modalities and procedures
(the annex to decision 3/CMP.1), the issues regarding which you request for review. Please tick the applicable boxes.
Please elaborate the reason for requesting a review on the issues you indicated in section 2 above

1) Refer to paragraph: Paragraph 259(d) of the PS-PoA ver. 02 ), paragraph 12 of AMS-I.E. ver. 4.0. and paragraph 22 (b) of The Standard: Sampling and surveys for PoA ver. 04.

The DOE shall further substantiate how it verified:

a)       the status of implementation for boreholes (i.e. appliances), considering that no information is available in the monitoring report on the number of boreholes supplying purified water under each CPA and relevant dates (e.g. construction, commissioning, start of operation) of each borehole as required by paragraph 259 (d) of PS-PoA ver. 02.  

b)      that appliances distributed are operating effectively or are replaced by an equivalent in-service appliance in accordance with the applied methodology, considering that the biennial monitoring surveys only checked the participating households, instead of the installed appliances (i.e. the boreholes) as required under paragraph 12 of AMS-I.E. ver. 4.0.

c)       that the selected households for survey were representative of the boreholes supplying purified drinking water, considering that the CME randomly selected 28 households in Malawi and 57 in Nigeria for the monitoring survey and there is no information on how many boreholes cover these sampled households (The Standard: Sampling and surveys for PoA ver. 04, paragraph 22 (b)).


2) Refer to paragraph: Paragraph 20 (footnote 19) of the sampling standard ver. 04 and paragraph 346 of VVS-PoA ver. 02.

The DOE states that “the PoA has across PoA sampling and therefore the probability of population across CPAs will be directly proportional to the population in that CPA, the random generator in excel will pick samples accordingly as indicated by CME” and “the required sample size for the parameter Npy (number of people (in each household) drinking purified water) is 149.1 and the actual sample size was 85.” The DOE is required to further substantiate how it verified:

(a) a single sampling and survey covering CPAs in Nigeria and Malawi to obtain parameter Np,y is in accordance with paragraph 20 (footnote 19) of the sampling standard ver. 04 as the homogeneity of included CPAs is not demonstrated or the differences among the included CPAs is not taken into account considering that there are significant variances between Nigeria and Malawi (for example, Np.y in Malawi is between 0 and 8 while Np.y in Nigeria is between 0 and 25).

(b) the sampling efforts and surveys are according to the monitoring plan considering that the CME did not conduct the sampling based on the sample size of 149.1, calculated based on the confidence level defined in the monitoring plan (VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 346).