SSC_773: Inclusion of solar electric cookers as a new technology/measure in a PoA applying AMS-I.E and AMS-II.G, and currently distributing improved biomass cookstoves

Reference SSC_773
Submitted by William Farmer (27 Jan 20)
Request for clarification F-CDM-SSC-Subm (179 KB)
Panel/WG meeting Meth Panel 81 (17 Feb 20 - 20 Feb 20)
Final response Final response (101 KB)
EB report EB 106 meeting report (246 KB)
Current status 15 Jun 20 - EB link added
Historic statuses 27 Jan 20 - Submission received
03 Mar 20 - Request added to the SSC Working Group 81
03 Mar 20 - Final Response published