Finalized requests for revision of approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_REV_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 50, 61, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 78, 80, 80, 81, 81, 82, 82, 83, 83, 84, 84, 85, 85, 86, 86, 88, 88, 90, 90, 92, 92, 93 or 93.

There are 268 matching requests:

Displaying 121-140 of 268

Reference Request for revision Current Status Last update
AM_REV_0148 Request for modification of procedure for accounting of leakage of emissions from physical leakage of the initial charge of refrigerant in the new chiller
AM_REV_0147 Revision to expand applicability to Caprolactam plants using the HPOŽ process
AM_REV_0146 Revision of methodology to include the use of waste bagasse to generate electricity. Amendments include clarification of the applicability conditions and addition of a project activity and baseline scenario
AM_REV_0145 Propose a new scenario (scenario 22) to include the situation in which biomass residues and fossil fuels are used in the baseline scenario.
AM_REV_0144 Expansion of applicability conditions of ACM0002 to include refurbishment/replacement of facilities affected by negative long term alterations.
AM_REV_0143 Expansion of applicability conditions of ACM0002 to include refurbishment/replacement of operational units and corresponding calculation of baseline emissions.
AM_REV_0142 Expansion of applicability conditions to AM0031 and subsequent change/addition of corresponding formulas
AM_REV_0141 Extension of methodology AM0024 to cases where the project activity displaces both grid electricity and electricity from an identified power generation source
AM_REV_0140 Revision to extend the applicability to include project activities that implement a heat extraction for the district heating network along with the retrofit
AM_REV_0139 Correction of the formula to calculate the amount of organic matter that remained in the lagoon, in the MCF method (equation 7)
AM_REV_0138 Revision AM0058 to extend heat source to waste incineration and to include new power plant installed at the same time as start of the district heating system
AM_REV_0137 Revision for baseline definition for power plant and baseline emissions from electricity generation
AM_REV_0136 Revision for new boilers and sourcing of biomass residues outside the project region
AM_REV_0135 Expansion of ACM0006 to include a new scenario
AM_REV_0134 Revision to extend AM0048 applicability to include the cogeneration project type of supplying steam and electricity to newly introduced project customers
AM_REV_0133 Revision is proposed to modify the applicability conditions of the availability of alternative material for clinker manufacturing in order to improve the use of the amount of AMC that in project activity conditions shall be stored or not be used in any case.
AM_REV_0132 Revision to extend AM0058 applicability to include new power plant is installed at the same time as start of the district heating system
AM_REV_0131 Request for revision to expand the applicability of methodology to projects where the annual power ouput of project is increased beyond 10% compared to baseline but which is not due to CDM project
AM_REV_0130 Expansion of applicability conditions to ACM0006 to include a new scenario
AM_REV_0129 Revision to extend the application of ACM0002 and corresponding calculation of baseline emissions