NM0384: Use of Light wood frame to replace and reduce the use of conventional masonry materials in construction of different types of buildings

Initial submission

Reference NM0384
Title Use of Light wood frame to replace and reduce the use of conventional masonry materials in construction of different types of buildings
Submitted by Public on 11 Sep 23
Current status 17 Oct 24 - Meth Panel recommendation issued (C)
Historic statuses 11 Sep 23 - Submission received
11 Sep 23 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
11 Sep 23 - Undergoing Assessment by the Secretariat
11 Sep 23 - Submission fee received
11 Sep 23 - Submission deemed qualified
11 Sep 23 - Awaiting the Meth Panel recommendation
13 Sep 23 - Opened for public comments
28 Sep 23 - Closed for public comments
21 May 24 - Awaiting Project Participant feedback on the preliminary recommendation
01 Jul 24 - Clarifications received from project participants

Project participants

  • Fabiano Guimarães Machado

Call for public input

From 13 Sep 2023 (00:00:00 GMT) till 27 Sep 2023 (23:59:59 GMT).

Output of subsequent Panel meetings

Meth Panel 95
Meth Panel 94
Meth Panel 93
Meth Panel 92