NM0351: High Speed Passenger Rail Systems

Initial submission

Reference NM0351
Title High Speed Passenger Rail Systems
Submitted by SQS on 04 Aug 11
Current status 05 Mar 12 - Submission approved
Historic statuses 04 Aug 11 - Submission received
17 Aug 11 - Submission fee received
06 Sep 11 - Successfully passed the Completeness Check
06 Sep 11 - Undergoing Assessment by the Secretariat
07 Sep 11 - Submission deemed qualified
08 Sep 11 - Opened for public comments
23 Sep 11 - Closed for public comments
27 Sep 11 - Desk reviews completed by experts
27 Sep 11 - Awaiting the Meth Panel recommendation
20 Oct 11 - Awaiting Project Participant feedback on the preliminary recommendation
23 Oct 11 - Clarifications received from project participant
04 Nov 11 - Work in Progress (Meth Panel 53)
14 Nov 11 - Clarifications received from project participants
07 Feb 12 - Meth Panel recommendation issued (A)

Project participants

  • Joon Hyung Bae
  • JinJun Kim
  • Michael Jürg Grütter

Call for public input

From 8 Sep 2011 (00:00:00 GMT) till 22 Sep 2011 (23:59:59 GMT).

Desk review(s)

Output of subsequent Panel meetings

Meth Panel 54
Meth Panel 53
Work in progress: Pls see para 7 (b) of MP53: "The panel requested the Board to take note that it could not conclude its consideration of (b) NM0351 "High Speed Passenger Rail Systems", as further work is needed on the approaches related to the demonstration of additionality;".
Meth Panel 52

Output of subsequent EB meetings

EB 66 A (342 KB)