NM0133-rev: Grid-connected power generation project using biomass fuel from newly developed dedicated plantations, in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand

Initial submission

Reference NM0133-rev
Title Grid-connected power generation project using biomass fuel from newly developed dedicated plantations, in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
Submitted by DNV on 17 May 06
Previously NM0133
Current status 03 Nov 06 - Submission approved
Historic statuses 17 May 06 - Submission received
20 Jun 06 - Awaiting Project Participant feedback on the preliminary recommendation
13 Oct 06 - Meth Panel recommendation issued

Call for public input

"B"-case resubmission - not applicable. See comments to the initial submission - NM0133

Desk review(s)

"B"-case resubmission - not applicable.

There are no desk reviews.

Meth Panel recommendation and communication

EB decision

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