Finalized requests for clarification on approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_CLA_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 53, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79, 80, 80, 84 or 84.

There are 315 matching requests:

Displaying 161-180 of 315

Reference Request for clarification Current Status Last update
AM_CLA_0155 Project specific formula used for emission reduction calculation instead of one given in approved consolidated methodology ACM0006 Ver. 4
AM_CLA_0154 Project activity that recovers associated gas from oil wells that would otherwise be flared or vented, processes it to CNG and delivers the CNG by means of CNG mobile units to Greenfield power plant (end-user)
AM_CLA_0153 Approach on “investment analysis” for Greenfield power project investment in Singapore
AM_CLA_0152 Clarification on the applicability for using RDF-RPF as boiler fuels and data requirement at the time of validation
AM_CLA_0151 Applicability of methodology for PoA and practical issues of RDF production and usage
AM_CLA_0150 Clarification regarding associated gas and use of previously flared gases as feed stock
AM_CLA_0149 Use of small scale methodology for a "small scale" independent process component of a large scale project activity along with a large scale methodology
AM_CLA_0148 Capping of the total amount of adipic acid produced credited for emission reduction in year y (tonnes)
AM_CLA_0147 Clarification on definition of supply side energy efficieny and use of Scenario 11
AM_CLA_0146 Request for clarification of the applicability for a extraction-condensing turbine project
AM_CLA_0145 Clarification on the applicability and data requirement at the time of validation
AM_CLA_0144 Queries on application of AM0025 to projects using specific waste treatment technology w.r.t the issue of residual waste treatment, monitoring of anaerobic conditions and leakage from the digester
AM_CLA_0143 Definition and applicable extent of MSW among the organic wastes on AM0025 methodology
AM_CLA_0142 Guidance on the monitoring and recording of temperature, pressure and the fraction of methane in the landfill gas
AM_CLA_0141 Capping of Baseline Emission in Projects having components of Existing and New facility
AM_CLA_0140 Clarification on unit balance for Baseline Emission Factor
AM_CLA_0139 Clarification for the applicability of the scenario 12 of the methodology related to baseline units
AM_CLA_0138 Project specific query
AM_CLA_0137 Applicability of methodology AM0024 in cases where the project activity displaces both grid electricity and electricity from an identified power generation source
AM_CLA_0136 Clarification on the definition of Waste Energy described in ACM0012