Finalized requests for clarification on approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_CLA_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 53, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79, 80, 80, 84 or 84.

There are 315 matching requests:

Displaying 81-100 of 315

Reference Request for clarification Current Status Last update
AM_CLA_0235 Clarification of the requirements for zero verification with an inert gas for the volumetric fraction of N2O EB link added 18 Sep 12
AM_CLA_0234 Requirement to conduct baseline measurements immediately before first project campaign with secondary catalyst installed EB link added 18 Sep 12
AM_CLA_0233 Clarification about the applicability condition regarding cargo transported under the project activity EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0232 Clarification on leakage calculations for projects not involving CNG EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0231 Clarification Requested EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0230 Clarification about project boundary in ACM0012 verson04.0 EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0229 Planned expansion as CDM project activity and utilization of common steam header and turbines EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0228 Clarification on monitoring parameter TEGy of ACM0002 version 09 EB link added 24 Jul 12
AM_CLA_0227 Application of combination of large scale methodology ACM0002 and small-scale methodology AMS I.D in a renewable energy PoA EB link added 15 May 12
AM_CLA_0226 Clarification of methodology for a project to construct a high pressure biomass boiler to partially replace an existing high pressure gas boiler EB link added 15 May 12
AM_CLA_0225 Clarification for ACM 0018 Version 01.3.0 EB link added 15 May 12
AM_CLA_0224 Definition of “New” as per Condition 1 of the applicability EB link added 05 Mar 12
AM_CLA_0223 Clarification regarding the demonstration of Additionality in case of transfer of assets EB link added 05 Mar 12
AM_CLA_0222 Inquiry regarding the applicability of ACM0014 to a baseline scenario for combination of existing baseline scenario with existing lagoon system and Greenfield baseline scenario with designed lagoons system. EB link added 05 Mar 12
AM_CLA_0221 Query regarding baseline scenario determination and additionality demonstration of the methodology ACM0006 EB link added 05 Mar 12
AM_CLA_0220 Clarification about the revision of AM0035 regarding recovery rate improvement of SF6 Final Response published 04 Oct 11
AM_CLA_0219 Questions on the application of the ‘Clarification on the approved consolidated methodology ACM0012 version 03.2 regarding CDM project activities that recover waste energy in greenfield facilities’ (EB 61, Annex 5) Final Response published 19 Oct 11
AM_CLA_0218 Clarification on measurement technique in place for measurement of clinker production in a cement manufacturing plant and its compliance to the applied monitoring methodology Final Response published 19 Oct 11
AM_CLA_0217 Hydropower addition to a multipurpose reservoir Final Response published 05 Oct 11
AM_CLA_0216 Application of ACM0012 to PoA Final Response published 19 Oct 11