Finalized requests for clarification on approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_CLA_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 53, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79, 80, 80, 84 or 84.

There are 318 matching requests:

Displaying 261-280 of 318

Reference Request for clarification Current Status Last update
AM_CLA_0058 Clarification on applicability condition: change in capacity
AM_CLA_0057 Ex post monitoring of the adjustment factor for landfill projects
AM_CLA_0056 Baseline emissions calculation with reference to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
AM_CLA_0055 Clarification on the use of local values for degradable organic carbon (DOCj) and decay rates (kj) for waste types that are not sufficiently characterised by default values
AM_CLA_0054 Types of capacity additions to be included in the BM
AM_CLA_0053 Calculation of methane emissions from AWMS where gas is captured
AM_CLA_0052 Clarification on applicability of methodology to projects where there is no existing anaerobic manure treatment system functioning
AM_CLA_0051 Request for clarification with regard to applying K factors and sludge
AM_CLA_0050 Requirement for emissions reductions when aerobic treatment
AM_CLA_0049 Calculation of power density
AM_CLA_0048 Fuel switch from fossil fuels to biomass residues in boilers for heat generation
AM_CLA_0047 Temperature of the exhaust gases at the sampling point inside the flare
AM_CLA_0046 MCF to be considered when waste is piled above ground or is disposed on land which is not designated 'soild waste disposal site'
AM_CLA_0045 Clarification on ways how to account for emissions from RDF combustion
AM_CLA_0044 Requirement for on site inspections for each individual farm
AM_CLA_0043 Clarification on the definition of 'compost' in AM0025 version 06
AM_CLA_0042 Simultaneous application of two compatible baseline scenarios (Nš3 and Nš4) to one single CDM project activity
AM_CLA_0041 Clarification on applicability of methodology to projects
AM_CLA_0040 Clarification on estimation of efficiency of captive power
AM_CLA_0039 Monitoring of gauze supplier