Finalized requests for clarification on approved large scale methodologies

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To submit a request for clarification or revision of an approved SSC and A/R SSC methodology, please send an email to using the designated form.

Reference AM_CLA_
Text is looked for in request titles only.
Concerned methodologies
Panel/WG meeting
Only submissions considered during or after Meth Panel 43 may be searched with this criterion. No submissions were allocated for Meth Panels 47, 53, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79, 80, 80, 84 or 84.

There are 318 matching requests:

Displaying 201-220 of 318

Reference Request for clarification Current Status Last update
AM_CLA_0118 Clarifications on the algorithms of project emission calculations and on the guidance for uncertainty assessment within the monitoring methodology
AM_CLA_0117 Clarification on monitoring in the case of a biodiesel "grid"
AM_CLA_0116 Further clarification on AM_ CLA_ 0092 – Alternatives for the correction of measured flow rate of the residual gas from wet basis to dry basis
AM_CLA_0115 Clarification regarding associated gas and the use of the previ-ously flared gas as feedstock
AM_CLA_0114 Applicability to projects where a dam is built for irrigation and thus not a result of a CDM project activity
AM_CLA_0113 Technologies for “Flameless VAM Oxidation with or without the use of a catalyst”
AM_CLA_0112 Switching of alternative stream of gas to replace flare gas in a refinery on a GJ for GJ basis.
AM_CLA_0111 Clarification on the necessity of a Data Integrity factor when calculating baseline SF6 consumption based on the IPCC default value.
AM_CLA_0110 Clarification on increase in the production capacity during the crediting year
AM_CLA_0109 Recording of TSG and PSG
AM_CLA_0108 Applicability for waste heat utilizaion from MSW incineration facility
AM_CLA_0107 Errors in equation 3
AM_CLA_0106 Treatment of installing experimental wind turbine in a registered CDM wind project
AM_CLA_0105 ACM0006 Consolidated methodology for electricity generation from biomass residues
AM_CLA_0104 Errors in monitoring methdoology related to leakage
AM_CLA_0103 Negative emissions in grid connected electricity generation from renewable sources
AM_CLA_0102 Request for clarification whether the applicable scenarios in this methodology can be combined in another way and whether a decanter can be considered as a settler.
AM_CLA_0101 Request for clarification regarding the claim of meassuring Qwg,y (Quantity of waste gas used for energy generation during year y) for waste heat projects
AM_CLA_0100 Flare Efficiency/Clarification regarding flare efficiency applied in AM0010
AM_CLA_0099 Definition of project proponent and CER claimants