05:34 12 Mar 25
Finalized requests for clarification of approved A/R methodological tools
If you are a DOE, please log in to submit a new request. If you are not a DOE, please submit your request to the secretariat at sdm-ssu-methworkflows@unfccc.int.
There are 2 finalized requests for
clarification of approved methodological tools in this category
Reference | Request for clarification | Current Status | Last update |
AR_CLA_TOOL_0002 | Request for clarity on equation to calculate carbon stock in lying dead wood of species j in plot p | EB link added | 19 Jan 18 |
AR_CLA_TOOL_0001 | Clarification on application of paragraph 12 of the A/R Methodological tool ‘Estimation of carbon stocks and change in carbon stocks of trees and shrubs in A/R CDM project activities’ (AR-TOOL14) version 04.1 | EB link added | 19 Jan 18 |
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