07:29 12 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the monitoring plan as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 149 (b) and 150 (b) (c).
The validation report, in section D.8.8, contains a description of the parameters monitored ex-post, including the location and accuracy class of the electricity-meters and the measurement procedures (i.e. "Electricity export to the grid and import from the grid is metered by main and check tri-vector energy meters"). However, the monitoring plan does not contain such description.
The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the monitoring plan as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 149 (b) and 150 (b) (c).
The validation report, in section D.8.8, contains a description of the parameters monitored ex-post, including the location and accuracy class of the electricity-meters and the measurement procedures (i.e. "Electricity export to the grid and import from the grid is metered by main and check tri-vector energy meters"). However, the monitoring plan does not contain such description.
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