Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PP/DOE are requested to list the data and parameters used to calculate the emission reductions as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
The PP is requested to list in section B.6.2 of the PDD all parameters available at validation and thus, that will not be monitored during the project activity. However, the PP included parameters that are also included in the monitoring plan (PDD section B.7.1).

2: The DOE is requested to describe how each applicability condition of the methodology/ies is fulfilled by the project activity as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 76.
It is not clear how the DOE verified that “the impact of the measures implemented (improvements in energy efficiency) by the project activity can be clearly distinguished from changes in energy use due to other variables not influenced by the project activity” as required by the applicable methodology, given that the formula for the emission reductions calculations does not take into account the difference between the operational hours considered in the baseline scenario and the actual operation hour during the monitoring period.

3: The DOE is requested to describe the steps taken to assess the equations applied to calculate the baseline/ project emissions, leakage and emission reductions as per the chosen methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92.
The DOE is required to substantiate how it validated the baseline scenario of for the equipment being the electricity from the grid, considering the diesel generator would also be operating in the baseline scenario and producing electricity.

4: The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has validated the suitability of the benchmark as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (b).
The DOE confirms that 10% benchmark applied to the project complies with EB62 Annex 5. However, the validation report has not demonstrated that internal benchmark has been used for similar projects with similar risks.