04:05 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PP/DOE are requested to list all the data and parameters to be monitored in line with applied methodology as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
In particular, the PP/ DOE shall clarify why following parameters are not included as monitoring parameters:
- Electricity consumed by the project activity, for the calculation of the project emissions;
-Mass flow of methane in the exhaust gas of the flare on a dry basis at reference conditions in the time period t, for flare efficiency calculation; and
-Mass flow of the residual gas on a dry basis at reference conditions in the minute m, for flare efficiency calculation.
2: The DOE is requested to describe the steps taken to assess the identification of the baseline scenario of the project activity as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 87.
The DOE is requested to explain how it has validated elimination of Alternative 5: Improved pre and post mining drainage, and use of CMM for power generation for export, as it is not clear how this option was assessed by investment analysis as indicated in validation report page 14. In doing so, please provide validation of the "portage" tariff.
3: The DOE is requested to state if all assumptions/ data/references used in the PDD for emission reduction calculations are in line with the methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92(a).
In particular, the DOE shall provide information on how it has considered the electricity consumption by the project activity to be "minimum" as stated in PDD page 28. In doing so, please justify the exclusion of electricity consumption by the project activity from the monitoring plan.
4: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated the input values to the financial calculations as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (a).
The DOE is requested to provide further information on the application of "Tax on CMM usage for power generation", in particular, the exact provisions and implication of the relevant section of the "updated Federal Rights Law" and how the 40% is calculated and applied in the context of the investment analysis.
5: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated sensitivity analysis of the investment analysis as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 111 (e).
The DOE is requested to report how it has validated how the increase and the decrease in the power output (MWh) impact the IRR of the project activity.
6: The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has validated the suitability of the benchmark as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (b).
Please provide further information on the appropriateness of the application of the company specific benchmark in line with paragraphs 12-18 of Guideline on the assessment of investment analysis (version 5).
1: The PP/DOE are requested to list all the data and parameters to be monitored in line with applied methodology as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
In particular, the PP/ DOE shall clarify why following parameters are not included as monitoring parameters:
- Electricity consumed by the project activity, for the calculation of the project emissions;
-Mass flow of methane in the exhaust gas of the flare on a dry basis at reference conditions in the time period t, for flare efficiency calculation; and
-Mass flow of the residual gas on a dry basis at reference conditions in the minute m, for flare efficiency calculation.
2: The DOE is requested to describe the steps taken to assess the identification of the baseline scenario of the project activity as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 87.
The DOE is requested to explain how it has validated elimination of Alternative 5: Improved pre and post mining drainage, and use of CMM for power generation for export, as it is not clear how this option was assessed by investment analysis as indicated in validation report page 14. In doing so, please provide validation of the "portage" tariff.
3: The DOE is requested to state if all assumptions/ data/references used in the PDD for emission reduction calculations are in line with the methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92(a).
In particular, the DOE shall provide information on how it has considered the electricity consumption by the project activity to be "minimum" as stated in PDD page 28. In doing so, please justify the exclusion of electricity consumption by the project activity from the monitoring plan.
4: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated the input values to the financial calculations as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (a).
The DOE is requested to provide further information on the application of "Tax on CMM usage for power generation", in particular, the exact provisions and implication of the relevant section of the "updated Federal Rights Law" and how the 40% is calculated and applied in the context of the investment analysis.
5: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated sensitivity analysis of the investment analysis as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 111 (e).
The DOE is requested to report how it has validated how the increase and the decrease in the power output (MWh) impact the IRR of the project activity.
6: The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has validated the suitability of the benchmark as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (b).
Please provide further information on the appropriateness of the application of the company specific benchmark in line with paragraphs 12-18 of Guideline on the assessment of investment analysis (version 5).
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