Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to provide information on the steps taken to validate the actions taken to secure the CDM status between the project starting date and the start of validation as per EB 49 Annex 22 paragraph 8 b.
It is not clear how the DOE verified that the benefits of the CDM were a decisive factor in the decision to proceed with the project, as it is required by the Guidance on the Demonstration and Assessment of Prior Consideration of the CDM . Please, provide further information about how the company’s annual information forms include an explicit reference to the proposed project activity.

2: The DOE is requested to include a clear validation opinion on the compliance of the project activity with the requirements made in EB 49 Annex 22 as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 104(c).
The DOE is requested to use the last version of the Guidance on the Demonstration and Assessment of Prior Consideration of the CDM, since the validation report (reference /20/, pg. 47) uses the EB 41 - Annex 46, and the last version is the version 4 EB 62 - Annex 13 -.