14:59 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
The DOE is requested to confirm the accuracy of the financial calculations carried out for the investment analysis as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (c).
The DOE shall provide further information on how it has assessed:
a) the appropriateness of the choice of the option (option b) for investment analysis by clarifying whether the proposed baseline scenario leaves the project participant no other choice than to make an investment to supply the same (or substitute) products or services. Please refer to para 19 of the Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis (EB 62 Annex 5).
b) the accuracy of the calculation of the levelized cost of electricity, in particular, how the following potential differences were taken into account: i) the difference in the services provided: the cogeneration may provide heat and power, whereas hydro power plant only provides power; and ii) different applicable policies such as subsidies, tax exemptions or feed-in-tariff for different technologies.
The DOE is requested to confirm the accuracy of the financial calculations carried out for the investment analysis as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (c).
The DOE shall provide further information on how it has assessed:
a) the appropriateness of the choice of the option (option b) for investment analysis by clarifying whether the proposed baseline scenario leaves the project participant no other choice than to make an investment to supply the same (or substitute) products or services. Please refer to para 19 of the Guidelines on the assessment of investment analysis (EB 62 Annex 5).
b) the accuracy of the calculation of the levelized cost of electricity, in particular, how the following potential differences were taken into account: i) the difference in the services provided: the cogeneration may provide heat and power, whereas hydro power plant only provides power; and ii) different applicable policies such as subsidies, tax exemptions or feed-in-tariff for different technologies.
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