18:24 11 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to describe how each applicability condition of the methodology/ies is fulfilled by the project activity as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 76 and 77.
In particular, the applicability criterion (d) of the applied methodology (page 3 out of 22) which requires that the total installed power capacity in the previously isolated grid is less than 10% of the total installed power capacity in the main grid in the year prior to the implementation of the project activity. It was observed that the PDD and Validation report do not provide clear information/data on the installed capacity of the main grid and isolated grid system as required by the methodology. Please provide the necessary information/data
2: The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the suitability of the input values used in the financial calculations as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 120 and 123 (a).
In particular, the level of investment cost assumed for the project activity given that the PDD and Validation report lack information regarding : i) values and sources of the assumed investment cost; ii) details on the evidence used to cross-check the values (i.e. EPC contract), and iii) how the DOE has determined that the level of investment cost assumed at the time of investment decision is reasonable and valid.
3: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated sensitivity analysis of the investment analysis as per VVS version 2 paragraph 120 (e).
In particular, how the DOE has determined that the reductions in the investment cost (i.e. decrease of 41% for LXTE, 36.8% for LMTE and 42.1% for MTE) required to cross the benchmark are unlikely to happen.
4: The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the suitability of the benchmark as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 121 and 123 (b).
Considering that the PDD (page 15) and calculation spreadsheet show that the applied benchmark is pre-tax benchmark, whereas the IRR calculated is post-tax project (VR, page 39). Please clarify.
1: The DOE is requested to describe how each applicability condition of the methodology/ies is fulfilled by the project activity as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 76 and 77.
In particular, the applicability criterion (d) of the applied methodology (page 3 out of 22) which requires that the total installed power capacity in the previously isolated grid is less than 10% of the total installed power capacity in the main grid in the year prior to the implementation of the project activity. It was observed that the PDD and Validation report do not provide clear information/data on the installed capacity of the main grid and isolated grid system as required by the methodology. Please provide the necessary information/data
2: The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the suitability of the input values used in the financial calculations as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 120 and 123 (a).
In particular, the level of investment cost assumed for the project activity given that the PDD and Validation report lack information regarding : i) values and sources of the assumed investment cost; ii) details on the evidence used to cross-check the values (i.e. EPC contract), and iii) how the DOE has determined that the level of investment cost assumed at the time of investment decision is reasonable and valid.
3: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated sensitivity analysis of the investment analysis as per VVS version 2 paragraph 120 (e).
In particular, how the DOE has determined that the reductions in the investment cost (i.e. decrease of 41% for LXTE, 36.8% for LMTE and 42.1% for MTE) required to cross the benchmark are unlikely to happen.
4: The DOE is requested to describe how it has validated the suitability of the benchmark as per VVS version 2 paragraphs 121 and 123 (b).
Considering that the PDD (page 15) and calculation spreadsheet show that the applied benchmark is pre-tax benchmark, whereas the IRR calculated is post-tax project (VR, page 39). Please clarify.
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