23:22 24 Nov 24
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to state if all assumptions/ data/references used in the PDD for emission reduction calculations are in line with the methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92(a).
The DOE is requested to provide further validation opinion on the assumptions/estimates used in the calculation of ex-ante emission reductions as demonstrated in section B.6.3 of the PDD. In doing so, please clarify the requirement of AM0009 version 04, page 10 which states that the DOE shall confirm the estimated emission reductions reported in the CDM-PDD are based on estimates provided in the survey used for defining the terms of the underlying oil production project as per the production sharing contract.
2: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated the input values to the financial calculations as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (a).
a). Please provide further validation opinion on the field survey which has been used to validate overall projected volume of associated gas in line with para 111 a, b & c of VVM version 1.2.
b). The DOE is requested to clarify the suitability of the input parametes such as total investment and O&M cost. In addition, please further validate the parameters- expense for CSR, indirect labour cost and other costs in accordance with para 111 a, b & c of VVM version 1.2
c). The DOE is requested to clarify the criteria of tendering process dated June 2009 for bidding the LPG processing fee. In doing so, please report the historical data of LPG price in Indonesia which was used to cross check the same as quoted in CL 03 (page 91 of validation report).
1: The DOE is requested to state if all assumptions/ data/references used in the PDD for emission reduction calculations are in line with the methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92(a).
The DOE is requested to provide further validation opinion on the assumptions/estimates used in the calculation of ex-ante emission reductions as demonstrated in section B.6.3 of the PDD. In doing so, please clarify the requirement of AM0009 version 04, page 10 which states that the DOE shall confirm the estimated emission reductions reported in the CDM-PDD are based on estimates provided in the survey used for defining the terms of the underlying oil production project as per the production sharing contract.
2: The DOE is requested to include information on how it has validated the input values to the financial calculations as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 114 (a).
a). Please provide further validation opinion on the field survey which has been used to validate overall projected volume of associated gas in line with para 111 a, b & c of VVM version 1.2.
b). The DOE is requested to clarify the suitability of the input parametes such as total investment and O&M cost. In addition, please further validate the parameters- expense for CSR, indirect labour cost and other costs in accordance with para 111 a, b & c of VVM version 1.2
c). The DOE is requested to clarify the criteria of tendering process dated June 2009 for bidding the LPG processing fee. In doing so, please report the historical data of LPG price in Indonesia which was used to cross check the same as quoted in CL 03 (page 91 of validation report).
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