Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PP/DOE are requested to list all the data and parameters to be monitored in line with applied methodology as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
AM0082 v1 page 38 states that the Quantity of renewable charcoal to produce one tonne of hot metal in the project scenario has to be monitored daily, however the PDD does not include this information.

2: The DOE is requested to describe how each applicability condition of the methodology/ies is fulfilled by the project activity as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 76.
Issue 1: The PDD (page 17) states that the project activity only uses charcoal supplied from renewable sources from dedicated plantations newly established and managed by the project entity within the new iron ore reduction system. However, page 22 of the VR states that: "as verified during site visit by DNV, all charcoal used by the Plantar Blast furnaces are produced from own sustainable eucalyptus forest or from external supplier authorized by the IEF under controlled receipt for sustainable forest products"). Please clarify whether the biomass will be sourced only from dedicated plantations or will be also acquired from external supplier. In doing so, the DOE shall validate whether any external renewable biomass is to be supplied under a long-term contract and shall also validate the corresponding land from the supplier and include it in the project boundary, as required by the baseline methodology.

Issue 2: There is no information in the VR on how the DOE validated the applicability conditions of the "Guidance for the situation when the plantation (or part of) is covered under an A/R CDM project activity" as per page 6 of AM0082 / Version 01.

3: The DOE is requested to provide information on the steps taken to validate the actions taken to secure the CDM status between the project starting date and the start of validation as per EB 49 Annex 22 paragraph 8 b.
The DOE did not include information (dates) on when the “Plantar Project” was eventually split into three separate project activities. The DOE is therefore requested to include information on how it validated that CDM continuing and real actions have been taken (related to the proposed project activity) between 04 September 2002 and 02 Jul 2008.

4: The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has assessed the credibility of the barrier analysis as per VVM v 1.2 paragraph 118.
The DOE is requested to provide information on how it has validated that the barriers assessed would prevent the implementation of the main component of the project (i.e., the USE of charcoal in the iron ore reduction process).