Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to describe how it has assessed the application of the equations and parameters for the calculation of emission reductions have been correctly applied as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 141 and 144 (d) (e).
I) In the emission reductions calculation spreadsheet, “Industries Chimiques du Sénégal” is included as power units connected to the national grid (Row 73 of the sheet titled “Step 4”), but the generated electricity in 2015 (i.e. 9200 MWh) was not included in the OM calculation. The DOE is requested to provide further explanation.

2) In the emission reductions calculation spreadsheet, for the power unit “APR EDM”, different values for CO2 emission factor (EFEL,m,y) are used in step 4 (0.692 tCO2/MWh) and step 5 (0.725 tCO2/MWh). The DOE is requested to address the inconsistency.
3) According to the calculation spreadsheet, every year there is amount of electricity imported to the Senegalese grid, i.e. sheet titled ‘step 4’ line 77. However, the project proponent does not consider whether to include plants outside Senegal into the project electricity system. As per para 15 to 24 of the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”, project participants should identify the project electricity system and any connected electricity system including the check for the existence of significant transmission constraints. In cases involving international interconnection (i.e. transmission line is between different countries and the project electricity system covers national grids of interconnected countries) it should be further verified that there are no legal restrictions for international electricity exchange (para 19 of the above tool). The DOE is requested to provide further explanation.

2: The DOE is requested to report details of all CARs, CLs and FARs as per VVS version 09.0 paragraphs 30 and 176 (b).
1) As per the ACM0002 version 16 (para 31), the project proponents that apply simplified procedure to demonstrate additionality shall provide information on actual capital cost of the project activity or the CPA at the time of the first verification. As the information on actual capital cost will be verified at the time of the first verification, a FAR should be raised.