09:47 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PP/DOE are requested to describe in detail in the PDD the calculation of ex-ante emission reductions, with the values available for validation and the equations used, as per PS version 5 paragraph 50.
The ex ante estimation of emission reductions for year 1 is 28,588tCO2e in page 23 of the PDD whereas 32672 in ER calculation sheet and other part of PDD. The inconsistency should be rectified.
2: The PP/DOE are requested to describe in detail in the PDD the monitoring plan as per PS version 5 paragraphs 54, 56, 97 and 98 including the sampling plan where applicable as per Sampling Standard version 3.
The PP/DOE is requested to clarify: (1) how the monitoring requirement of AMS.II.G version 5 paragraph 26 will be followed; (2) sampling plan for parameter By,new, including: (a) the PDD page 26 states that the target population includes all households in the project whereas the same page states that the primary sampling unit (PSU) is defined as each village under a chief area in the Traditional Authorities within the project area. It is not clear whether all the households are covered by all the PSU or whether there are some households located outside those chief areas and have no chance to be sampled during the crediting period; (b) whether cluster sampling (page 26 of PDD) or multi-stage sampling (page 27 of PDD) is applied. The PDD has introduced a different approach to calculate the sample size (e.g. design effect) other than those available in the Guideline Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities v3.0. The DOE is requested to first provide its assessment in respect to the "Household Sample Surveys in Developing and transition countries" and second to justify whether the calculations have been conducted in line with all the relevant provisions contained in this document.
3: The DOE is requested to verify the justification of the data used for the ex-ante emission reduction calculations as per VVS version 5 paragraphs 98, 99 (a) (b) (c) and 100.
In page 18 of the validation report, the DOE has stated that the result of survey is contained in Part A of the PDD, whereas part A can be found only in Appendix 4 of the PDD and it only mentions the name of the document: Nkhata Bay District Wood Use Survey, September 2012. The DOE is requested to provide its assessment of this survey which can demonstrate that the determination of Bold is representative of the average biomass consumption in the baseline scenario in the project boundary, including but not limited to: the design of the baseline sampling, the implementation of the sampling and KPT test, etc.
1: The PP/DOE are requested to describe in detail in the PDD the calculation of ex-ante emission reductions, with the values available for validation and the equations used, as per PS version 5 paragraph 50.
The ex ante estimation of emission reductions for year 1 is 28,588tCO2e in page 23 of the PDD whereas 32672 in ER calculation sheet and other part of PDD. The inconsistency should be rectified.
2: The PP/DOE are requested to describe in detail in the PDD the monitoring plan as per PS version 5 paragraphs 54, 56, 97 and 98 including the sampling plan where applicable as per Sampling Standard version 3.
The PP/DOE is requested to clarify: (1) how the monitoring requirement of AMS.II.G version 5 paragraph 26 will be followed; (2) sampling plan for parameter By,new, including: (a) the PDD page 26 states that the target population includes all households in the project whereas the same page states that the primary sampling unit (PSU) is defined as each village under a chief area in the Traditional Authorities within the project area. It is not clear whether all the households are covered by all the PSU or whether there are some households located outside those chief areas and have no chance to be sampled during the crediting period; (b) whether cluster sampling (page 26 of PDD) or multi-stage sampling (page 27 of PDD) is applied. The PDD has introduced a different approach to calculate the sample size (e.g. design effect) other than those available in the Guideline Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities v3.0. The DOE is requested to first provide its assessment in respect to the "Household Sample Surveys in Developing and transition countries" and second to justify whether the calculations have been conducted in line with all the relevant provisions contained in this document.
3: The DOE is requested to verify the justification of the data used for the ex-ante emission reduction calculations as per VVS version 5 paragraphs 98, 99 (a) (b) (c) and 100.
In page 18 of the validation report, the DOE has stated that the result of survey is contained in Part A of the PDD, whereas part A can be found only in Appendix 4 of the PDD and it only mentions the name of the document: Nkhata Bay District Wood Use Survey, September 2012. The DOE is requested to provide its assessment of this survey which can demonstrate that the determination of Bold is representative of the average biomass consumption in the baseline scenario in the project boundary, including but not limited to: the design of the baseline sampling, the implementation of the sampling and KPT test, etc.
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