06:51 25 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PP/DOE are requested to complete all the PDD sections for the description of the project activity as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
In figure B.3-1 on page 12 and figure B.7.2-2 on page 63 of the PDD it is stated that there is enclosed flare to destroy biogas generated from wastewater treatment but on page 7 of the PDD it is stated that biogas is fed to incinerators for combustion. The PP shall provide provide correct and consistent information.
2: The PP/DOE are requested to list all the data and parameters to be monitored in line with applied methodology as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
The PDD/VR do not include information:
(i) on the location of the meter that measures T flare in the line diagram, figure B.3-1 on page 12 and figure B.7.2-2 on page 63 of the PDD and
(ii) on how the PP plans to “Measure the temperature in the exhaust gas of the flare by a thermocouple”, while monitoring T flare (PDD, page 61) considering there is no physical ”flare”.
3: The DOE is requested to describe the steps taken to assess the equations applied to calculate the baseline/ project emissions, leakage and emission reductions as per the chosen methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92.
With reference to Validation Report, page 27, where it is stated, “During the crediting period, equation (16) will be used for ex post estimation. Hence, the parameters such as TMRG,h , fvCH4,RG,h, and Tflare (temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare) will be
monitored during the crediting period for its calculation as per 'Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane".
The DOE has not provided following information:
(i) on the technical/manufacture specifications of the incinerator,
(a) the operating temperatures of the incinerator;
(b) the combustion efficiency at different operating
temperatures (range);
(ii) the co-relation between the temperature of the incinerator versus the temperature of the exhaust gas of flare (referred to the fore mentioned Tool);
1: The PP/DOE are requested to complete all the PDD sections for the description of the project activity as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
In figure B.3-1 on page 12 and figure B.7.2-2 on page 63 of the PDD it is stated that there is enclosed flare to destroy biogas generated from wastewater treatment but on page 7 of the PDD it is stated that biogas is fed to incinerators for combustion. The PP shall provide provide correct and consistent information.
2: The PP/DOE are requested to list all the data and parameters to be monitored in line with applied methodology as per EB 48 Annex 60 paragraph 10 (a).
The PDD/VR do not include information:
(i) on the location of the meter that measures T flare in the line diagram, figure B.3-1 on page 12 and figure B.7.2-2 on page 63 of the PDD and
(ii) on how the PP plans to “Measure the temperature in the exhaust gas of the flare by a thermocouple”, while monitoring T flare (PDD, page 61) considering there is no physical ”flare”.
3: The DOE is requested to describe the steps taken to assess the equations applied to calculate the baseline/ project emissions, leakage and emission reductions as per the chosen methodology as per VVM v1.2 paragraph 92.
With reference to Validation Report, page 27, where it is stated, “During the crediting period, equation (16) will be used for ex post estimation. Hence, the parameters such as TMRG,h , fvCH4,RG,h, and Tflare (temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare) will be
monitored during the crediting period for its calculation as per 'Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane".
The DOE has not provided following information:
(i) on the technical/manufacture specifications of the incinerator,
(a) the operating temperatures of the incinerator;
(b) the combustion efficiency at different operating
temperatures (range);
(ii) the co-relation between the temperature of the incinerator versus the temperature of the exhaust gas of flare (referred to the fore mentioned Tool);
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