03:34 07 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The PDD shall list all relevant assumptions and parameters used in the investment analysis.
The PDD indicates that the IRR values are 9.79% for WTG1 and 5.23% for WTG2. However, these values are not consistent with the values calculated as per the submitted spreadsheets (9.24% and 8.58 %) or used in the sensitivity analysis (9.79% and 6.18%)
2: For a proposed CDM project activity with a start date on or after 2 August 2008, the DOE shall confirm, by referring to the list of prior consideration notifications from the UNFCCC CDM website and communication between the project participants, the secretariat and the host Party DNA, if the DNA exists, regarding the commencement of a new project activity and the intention to seek CDM status for the project activity, or referring to the UNFCCC CDM website, whether the PDD has been published within 180 days of the start date.
The validation report does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that the notification of prior consideration was provided by the project participants within within 180 days of the start date of the project activity, in particular, the date of such notification.
3: The DOE shall determine the suitability of the financial indicator selected by the project participants and conduct a thorough assessment of all parameters and assumptions used in calculating such financial indicators (VVS v02 para 99 (a))
The validation report confirms that the IRR of the included prpjects are 9.79 and 5.23 %. However, these values are not consistent with the values calculated as per the submitted spreadsheets (9.24% and 8.58 %) or used in the sensitivity analysis (9.79% and 6.18%).
1: The PDD shall list all relevant assumptions and parameters used in the investment analysis.
The PDD indicates that the IRR values are 9.79% for WTG1 and 5.23% for WTG2. However, these values are not consistent with the values calculated as per the submitted spreadsheets (9.24% and 8.58 %) or used in the sensitivity analysis (9.79% and 6.18%)
2: For a proposed CDM project activity with a start date on or after 2 August 2008, the DOE shall confirm, by referring to the list of prior consideration notifications from the UNFCCC CDM website and communication between the project participants, the secretariat and the host Party DNA, if the DNA exists, regarding the commencement of a new project activity and the intention to seek CDM status for the project activity, or referring to the UNFCCC CDM website, whether the PDD has been published within 180 days of the start date.
The validation report does not contain information on how the DOE assessed that the notification of prior consideration was provided by the project participants within within 180 days of the start date of the project activity, in particular, the date of such notification.
3: The DOE shall determine the suitability of the financial indicator selected by the project participants and conduct a thorough assessment of all parameters and assumptions used in calculating such financial indicators (VVS v02 para 99 (a))
The validation report confirms that the IRR of the included prpjects are 9.79 and 5.23 %. However, these values are not consistent with the values calculated as per the submitted spreadsheets (9.24% and 8.58 %) or used in the sensitivity analysis (9.79% and 6.18%).
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