07:16 23 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE shall provide information on how it has confirmed that the added eligibility criteria related to sampling requirement complies with “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”.
2: The DOE shall provide further information how it has validated for the baseline parameter Bold,HH :
(a) the revised value of 5.44 Tonnes / household / year which corresponds to an average fuelwood consumption per capita of 0.99 tonnes/year and a household size of 5.5 persons, considering that the fuel wood consumption 2019 (i.e. 182,516,562 m3) applied in the submitted spreadsheet refers to a projected value for year 2019, based on historical values from 2009 to 2018.
(b) It is appropriate that the value is ex-ante determined at PoA level and exclusively referring to fuel wood users, whereas the added eligibility criteria related to the target group of the PoA intends to defer a clear definition of the target group at CPA level nor restrict the target group to fuel wood users.
(c) The compliance of the survey conducted for estimating the share of population using wood for cooking (i.e. 66%) with the latest version of “sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”, as required by page 16 of AMS II.G version 11.1.
3: The DOE shall provide further information how it has validated the calculation of ex-ante parameter fNRB (94%), as the total woody biomass consumption in 2018 calculated (i.e. 216,541,375 tonnes/year) is even higher than the total production of 191,076,650 tonnes/year (i.e. 263,554,000 m3 biomass * 0.725 tons/ m3 wood density) as per the same reference referred by the fNRB sheet (i.e. http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=EDATA&f=cmID%3aFW).
1: The DOE shall provide information on how it has confirmed that the added eligibility criteria related to sampling requirement complies with “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”.
2: The DOE shall provide further information how it has validated for the baseline parameter Bold,HH :
(a) the revised value of 5.44 Tonnes / household / year which corresponds to an average fuelwood consumption per capita of 0.99 tonnes/year and a household size of 5.5 persons, considering that the fuel wood consumption 2019 (i.e. 182,516,562 m3) applied in the submitted spreadsheet refers to a projected value for year 2019, based on historical values from 2009 to 2018.
(b) It is appropriate that the value is ex-ante determined at PoA level and exclusively referring to fuel wood users, whereas the added eligibility criteria related to the target group of the PoA intends to defer a clear definition of the target group at CPA level nor restrict the target group to fuel wood users.
(c) The compliance of the survey conducted for estimating the share of population using wood for cooking (i.e. 66%) with the latest version of “sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”, as required by page 16 of AMS II.G version 11.1.
3: The DOE shall provide further information how it has validated the calculation of ex-ante parameter fNRB (94%), as the total woody biomass consumption in 2018 calculated (i.e. 216,541,375 tonnes/year) is even higher than the total production of 191,076,650 tonnes/year (i.e. 263,554,000 m3 biomass * 0.725 tons/ m3 wood density) as per the same reference referred by the fNRB sheet (i.e. http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=EDATA&f=cmID%3aFW).
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