16:05 20 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: If the coordinating/managing entity chose to carry out the local stakeholder consultation on the CDM PoA at the CPA level, it shall comply with the requirements in section 7.8 above mutatis mutandis (paragraph 193 of PS for PoA ver.2) / The coordinating/managing entity shall complete the local stakeholder consultation process at the timing required by the rules of the host Party on local stakeholder consultation, if such rules exist. If host Party rules do not exist, the coordinating/managing entity shall complete the process before, whichever the earlier of:
(a) The earliest of the start dates of the CPAs as defined in the “Glossary: CDM terms”; that will be included in the PoA; or
(b) The date of submitting the PoA-DD of the proposed CDM PoA to a DOE for validation (paragraph 64 of PS for PoA ver.2).
The DOE validated the eligibility criteria for local stakeholder consultation by stating that a local stakeholder consultation is conducted for the SS-CPA as summarized in section D of CPA-DD. The DOE is required to provide further information on how it has validated this eligibility criteria as per PS requirements above.
2: In its validation report for renewal of PoA period, the DOE shall provide all its applied approaches, findings and conclusions on whether The methodologies and, where applicable, the standardized baselines and the other methodological regulatory documents were applied in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programmes of activities”;(paragraph 390 of VVS for PoA ver. 2)
The DOE (p 10) states that "The locations of windmills are in the state of Rajasthan, in India. As per CEA BAseline CO2 Emission Data base/3.1/, the state of Rajastham comes under the Indian regional electricity grid in India, the geographic and system boundaries of which are clearly identified; information on the characteristics of the grid is available. Thus, the tool is applicable for the programme of activity." However, the PoA-DD (p 3) defines the geographical boundary of PoA is the entire geographical region of India.
3: The DOE shall assess the validity of the original baseline or its update through an assessment of the impact of new relevant national and/or sectoral policies and circumstances on the baseline taking into account relevant guidance from the Board with regard to renewal of PoA period of a registered CDM PoA at the time of requesting the renewal of the PoA period (paragraph 382 of VVS for PoA ver. 2)
The DOE (p 12-3) states that "there have been no changes in the relevant national and/or sectoral regulations on installation of wind power project for exporting electricity to power grid since the previous crediting period." However, the POA-DD covers not only wind power project but also includes hydro and solar projects. The DOE is required to provide further information on other types of the projects defined in the PoA-DD.
4: Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system version 7 states that the choice of which option to use (i.e. ex ante or ex post, options used for determining the OM and BM) shall be determined and documented in the CDM-PoA-DD, and the selected options shall be consistently applied to all CPAs connected to a given electricity system (paragraphs 100-101 of the tool).
The PoA-DD defines that the baseline emission factors for wind, hydro and solar projects based on the data vintage of 2016-8 and the DOE (p 14) states that the values of OM and BM has been determined ex-ante as per the CEA database version 13 published on December 2018 and the combined margin emission factor has been arrived by applying wights as per the tool version 7. The DOE is required to provide further information on how the determination of the values of emission factor in the PoA DD is in line with the tool to calculate the emission factor version 7 which requires to define the selected option, not the values.
1: If the coordinating/managing entity chose to carry out the local stakeholder consultation on the CDM PoA at the CPA level, it shall comply with the requirements in section 7.8 above mutatis mutandis (paragraph 193 of PS for PoA ver.2) / The coordinating/managing entity shall complete the local stakeholder consultation process at the timing required by the rules of the host Party on local stakeholder consultation, if such rules exist. If host Party rules do not exist, the coordinating/managing entity shall complete the process before, whichever the earlier of:
(a) The earliest of the start dates of the CPAs as defined in the “Glossary: CDM terms”; that will be included in the PoA; or
(b) The date of submitting the PoA-DD of the proposed CDM PoA to a DOE for validation (paragraph 64 of PS for PoA ver.2).
The DOE validated the eligibility criteria for local stakeholder consultation by stating that a local stakeholder consultation is conducted for the SS-CPA as summarized in section D of CPA-DD. The DOE is required to provide further information on how it has validated this eligibility criteria as per PS requirements above.
2: In its validation report for renewal of PoA period, the DOE shall provide all its applied approaches, findings and conclusions on whether The methodologies and, where applicable, the standardized baselines and the other methodological regulatory documents were applied in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for programmes of activities”;(paragraph 390 of VVS for PoA ver. 2)
The DOE (p 10) states that "The locations of windmills are in the state of Rajasthan, in India. As per CEA BAseline CO2 Emission Data base/3.1/, the state of Rajastham comes under the Indian regional electricity grid in India, the geographic and system boundaries of which are clearly identified; information on the characteristics of the grid is available. Thus, the tool is applicable for the programme of activity." However, the PoA-DD (p 3) defines the geographical boundary of PoA is the entire geographical region of India.
3: The DOE shall assess the validity of the original baseline or its update through an assessment of the impact of new relevant national and/or sectoral policies and circumstances on the baseline taking into account relevant guidance from the Board with regard to renewal of PoA period of a registered CDM PoA at the time of requesting the renewal of the PoA period (paragraph 382 of VVS for PoA ver. 2)
The DOE (p 12-3) states that "there have been no changes in the relevant national and/or sectoral regulations on installation of wind power project for exporting electricity to power grid since the previous crediting period." However, the POA-DD covers not only wind power project but also includes hydro and solar projects. The DOE is required to provide further information on other types of the projects defined in the PoA-DD.
4: Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system version 7 states that the choice of which option to use (i.e. ex ante or ex post, options used for determining the OM and BM) shall be determined and documented in the CDM-PoA-DD, and the selected options shall be consistently applied to all CPAs connected to a given electricity system (paragraphs 100-101 of the tool).
The PoA-DD defines that the baseline emission factors for wind, hydro and solar projects based on the data vintage of 2016-8 and the DOE (p 14) states that the values of OM and BM has been determined ex-ante as per the CEA database version 13 published on December 2018 and the combined margin emission factor has been arrived by applying wights as per the tool version 7. The DOE is required to provide further information on how the determination of the values of emission factor in the PoA DD is in line with the tool to calculate the emission factor version 7 which requires to define the selected option, not the values.
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