09:05 22 Feb 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE (eligibility criteria No. 7) has validated that each CPA shall demonstrate additionality in compliance with either paragraph 12 (Tool19 ver. 9.0) or paragraphs 10 & 11 (Tool21 ver. 13.1). The DOE is required to provide further information on the demonstration of the additionality since a) the eligibility criteria does not (i) provide an explanation to show that the project activity would not have occurred anyway due to at least one of the barriers listed under paragraph 10 of Tool 21; (ii) describe how the additionality will be demonstrated by the CPAs, including the conditions to be fulfilled in order to demonstrate the additionality. Please refer to paragraph 10 (Tool21 version 13.1) and paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA ver. 02.
2: The registered PoA-DD (ver. 07.1, dated 28/06/11) derived, based on historical data and local usage, the ex-ante values for the parameter “Annual average biomass consumption per appliance (Qbiomass) as 1.06 tons/appliance/year and 27.47 tons/appliance/year for both domestic and non-domestic stoves respectively. The renewed PoA-DD has updated these values to 2.15 tons/appliance/year (for domestic stoves based on Cluster Survey (MICS- 2019) and 59.66 tons/appliance/year (for Non-Domestic stoves based on a baseline survey conducted by the CME at PoA renewal). However, paragraph 291 of PS -PoA ver. 02 states that “If data and parameters used for determining the original baseline, that were determined ex ante and not monitored during the PoA period, are no longer valid, the coordinating/managing entity shall update such data and parameters in accordance with the “Methodological tool: Assessment of the validity of the original/current baseline and update of the baseline at the renewal of the crediting period”.
Further the “Methodological Tool11: (step 1.4) states “where emission factors, values or emission benchmarks are used and determined only once for the crediting period, they should be updated, except if the emission factors, values or emission benchmarks are based on the historical situation at the site of the project activity prior to the implementation of the project and cannot be updated because the historical situation does not exist anymore as a result of the CDM project activity.” The DOE shall provide information to clarify compliance with Step 1.4 of Tool 11 in order to update the the parameter “Annual average biomass consumption per appliance (Qbiomass). Please refer to the PS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 291, Methodological Tool11 Step 1.4 and VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 382.
1: The DOE (eligibility criteria No. 7) has validated that each CPA shall demonstrate additionality in compliance with either paragraph 12 (Tool19 ver. 9.0) or paragraphs 10 & 11 (Tool21 ver. 13.1). The DOE is required to provide further information on the demonstration of the additionality since a) the eligibility criteria does not (i) provide an explanation to show that the project activity would not have occurred anyway due to at least one of the barriers listed under paragraph 10 of Tool 21; (ii) describe how the additionality will be demonstrated by the CPAs, including the conditions to be fulfilled in order to demonstrate the additionality. Please refer to paragraph 10 (Tool21 version 13.1) and paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA ver. 02.
2: The registered PoA-DD (ver. 07.1, dated 28/06/11) derived, based on historical data and local usage, the ex-ante values for the parameter “Annual average biomass consumption per appliance (Qbiomass) as 1.06 tons/appliance/year and 27.47 tons/appliance/year for both domestic and non-domestic stoves respectively. The renewed PoA-DD has updated these values to 2.15 tons/appliance/year (for domestic stoves based on Cluster Survey (MICS- 2019) and 59.66 tons/appliance/year (for Non-Domestic stoves based on a baseline survey conducted by the CME at PoA renewal). However, paragraph 291 of PS -PoA ver. 02 states that “If data and parameters used for determining the original baseline, that were determined ex ante and not monitored during the PoA period, are no longer valid, the coordinating/managing entity shall update such data and parameters in accordance with the “Methodological tool: Assessment of the validity of the original/current baseline and update of the baseline at the renewal of the crediting period”.
Further the “Methodological Tool11: (step 1.4) states “where emission factors, values or emission benchmarks are used and determined only once for the crediting period, they should be updated, except if the emission factors, values or emission benchmarks are based on the historical situation at the site of the project activity prior to the implementation of the project and cannot be updated because the historical situation does not exist anymore as a result of the CDM project activity.” The DOE shall provide information to clarify compliance with Step 1.4 of Tool 11 in order to update the the parameter “Annual average biomass consumption per appliance (Qbiomass). Please refer to the PS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 291, Methodological Tool11 Step 1.4 and VVS-PoA ver. 02 paragraph 382.
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