10:55 06 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the application of the methodology in accordance with paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA, in particular:
(a) The determination of parameter By: (i) As per the generic CPA-DD, the parameter is set fixed ex-ante, however as per the methodology, the parameter is a calculated parameter based on a monitored parameter; (ii) The Generic CPA-DD opts to use equation 2 to calculate parameter By, which requires parameter BCBL,HH,y. It is not clear how the determination of parameter BCBL,HH,y is in accordance with any of the options described in page 10 of the methodology (under Data/Parameter table 4) and whether the value corresponds to the consumption before the start of the project activity;
(b) Parameter fNRB,y: (i) There is no calculation provided in order to confirm the correctness of the calculation, as well as the data used; (ii) The PoA-DD and the validation report do not specify the vintage of the data for “State of Nepal’s Forest” as well as the confirmation whether it is the latest available data; (iii) The parameter is calculated as per TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass. However, the PoA-DD (page 21) refers to version 1 of the tool, whereas the Validation Report (page 9) refers to version 2.
(c) The leakage as per the “TOOL16: Project and leakage emissions from biomass”. The PoA-DD has not described which type of leakage from Tool 16 is applicable under the PoA-DD.
2: The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the monitoring plan in accordance with paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
(a) The Generic CPA-DD opts to use equation 2 to calculate parameter By, which includes parameter BCPJ,HH,y. As per the methodology, this parameter is to be monitored. However, the parameter is not included in the monitoring plan;
(b) The PoA-DD refers to version 4 of the Standard for Sampling and Surveys for CDM Project activities and Programme of Activities, whereas the valid version of the standard is version 7.
1: The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the application of the methodology in accordance with paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA, in particular:
(a) The determination of parameter By: (i) As per the generic CPA-DD, the parameter is set fixed ex-ante, however as per the methodology, the parameter is a calculated parameter based on a monitored parameter; (ii) The Generic CPA-DD opts to use equation 2 to calculate parameter By, which requires parameter BCBL,HH,y. It is not clear how the determination of parameter BCBL,HH,y is in accordance with any of the options described in page 10 of the methodology (under Data/Parameter table 4) and whether the value corresponds to the consumption before the start of the project activity;
(b) Parameter fNRB,y: (i) There is no calculation provided in order to confirm the correctness of the calculation, as well as the data used; (ii) The PoA-DD and the validation report do not specify the vintage of the data for “State of Nepal’s Forest” as well as the confirmation whether it is the latest available data; (iii) The parameter is calculated as per TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass. However, the PoA-DD (page 21) refers to version 1 of the tool, whereas the Validation Report (page 9) refers to version 2.
(c) The leakage as per the “TOOL16: Project and leakage emissions from biomass”. The PoA-DD has not described which type of leakage from Tool 16 is applicable under the PoA-DD.
2: The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the monitoring plan in accordance with paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
(a) The Generic CPA-DD opts to use equation 2 to calculate parameter By, which includes parameter BCPJ,HH,y. As per the methodology, this parameter is to be monitored. However, the parameter is not included in the monitoring plan;
(b) The PoA-DD refers to version 4 of the Standard for Sampling and Surveys for CDM Project activities and Programme of Activities, whereas the valid version of the standard is version 7.
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