12:24 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Paragraph 84 of PS-PoA:
The reference number of the applied approved standardized baseline has not been mentioned.
2: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA and paragraph 123 of PS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA:
(a) Section I.2 of the PoA-DD describes how CPAs will fulfill each applicability condition of the applied methodology. However, eligibility criterion 6 has not set out required conditions to ensure that the CPA fulfills each of applicability condition of the applied methodology;
(b) That CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality. In section C, the PoA-DD lists several barriers and the use of CPA location being in SUZ of the host country to demonstrate additionality. However, the PoA-DD or eligibility criterion 7 on additionality does not: (i) provide an explanation to show that the project activity would not have occurred anyway due to at least one of the barriers listed in section C of the PoA-DD; (ii) describe how the additionality will be demonstrated by the CPAs, including the conditions to be fulfilled in order to demonstrate that at least one of the barriers exists. It is also observed that section C of the PoA-DD refers to regulatory documents that are not valid anymore. For example, "Guidelines on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities";
(c) Eligibility criterion 14 states that debundling check is not required as the CPAs are solely composed of microscale CDM units. However, it remains unclear whether the CPAs to be included in the PoA will be of small-scale, microscale, or both.
3: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA:
Section I.7.3 of the PoA-DD is marked as "NA". The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that this section of the PoA-DD was filled as per the guidelines as the instructions for completing form CDM-PoA-DD-FORM requires that CME describe the other elements of the monitoring plan as outlined in the project standard, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents, including the operational and management structure for monitoring, provisions for data archiving, and responsibilities and institutional arrangements for data collection and archiving.
4: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to:
(a) Clarify whether the CPAs to be included in the PoA will be of small-scale, microscale, or both. Eligibility criterion no. 14 states that CPAs are solely composed of "microscale CDM units". However, section H.3 states that CPA will consist of small-scale hydropower project, and section I.2 describes that the CPAs will be renewable energy projects with an installed capacity below 15 MW, which is the threshold for the small-scale activity. If the CPAs will be solely composed of microscale CDM units, it is not clear how to ensure that only such CPAs will be included in the PoA;
(b) Explain why separate generic CPAs are not prepared to account for the difference in calculation method for grid emission factor.
5: Paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
The generic CPA-DD has not included provision for the grid emission factor for CPAs in Honduras in case there is no valid version of ASB during CPA inclusion. Please also see annex 3 of EB 108.
6: Paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that parameter fixed ex-ante and monitored are in line with the applied methodology, as:
(a) Parameters ABL and CapBL which are required for calculation of power density as per methodology ACM0002 are not listed as parameters fixed ex-ante;
(b) Parameter TEGy which are required for project emissions calculation is not listed as parameter to be monitored required by methodology ACM0002.
1: Paragraph 84 of PS-PoA:
The reference number of the applied approved standardized baseline has not been mentioned.
2: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA and paragraph 123 of PS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it validated the eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA:
(a) Section I.2 of the PoA-DD describes how CPAs will fulfill each applicability condition of the applied methodology. However, eligibility criterion 6 has not set out required conditions to ensure that the CPA fulfills each of applicability condition of the applied methodology;
(b) That CPAs meet the requirements for demonstration of additionality. In section C, the PoA-DD lists several barriers and the use of CPA location being in SUZ of the host country to demonstrate additionality. However, the PoA-DD or eligibility criterion 7 on additionality does not: (i) provide an explanation to show that the project activity would not have occurred anyway due to at least one of the barriers listed in section C of the PoA-DD; (ii) describe how the additionality will be demonstrated by the CPAs, including the conditions to be fulfilled in order to demonstrate that at least one of the barriers exists. It is also observed that section C of the PoA-DD refers to regulatory documents that are not valid anymore. For example, "Guidelines on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities";
(c) Eligibility criterion 14 states that debundling check is not required as the CPAs are solely composed of microscale CDM units. However, it remains unclear whether the CPAs to be included in the PoA will be of small-scale, microscale, or both.
3: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA:
Section I.7.3 of the PoA-DD is marked as "NA". The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that this section of the PoA-DD was filled as per the guidelines as the instructions for completing form CDM-PoA-DD-FORM requires that CME describe the other elements of the monitoring plan as outlined in the project standard, the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and the other applied methodological regulatory documents, including the operational and management structure for monitoring, provisions for data archiving, and responsibilities and institutional arrangements for data collection and archiving.
4: Paragraph 378 of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to:
(a) Clarify whether the CPAs to be included in the PoA will be of small-scale, microscale, or both. Eligibility criterion no. 14 states that CPAs are solely composed of "microscale CDM units". However, section H.3 states that CPA will consist of small-scale hydropower project, and section I.2 describes that the CPAs will be renewable energy projects with an installed capacity below 15 MW, which is the threshold for the small-scale activity. If the CPAs will be solely composed of microscale CDM units, it is not clear how to ensure that only such CPAs will be included in the PoA;
(b) Explain why separate generic CPAs are not prepared to account for the difference in calculation method for grid emission factor.
5: Paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
The generic CPA-DD has not included provision for the grid emission factor for CPAs in Honduras in case there is no valid version of ASB during CPA inclusion. Please also see annex 3 of EB 108.
6: Paragraph 382(b) of VVS-PoA:
The DOE is requested to explain how it concluded that parameter fixed ex-ante and monitored are in line with the applied methodology, as:
(a) Parameters ABL and CapBL which are required for calculation of power density as per methodology ACM0002 are not listed as parameters fixed ex-ante;
(b) Parameter TEGy which are required for project emissions calculation is not listed as parameter to be monitored required by methodology ACM0002.
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