18:36 10 Mar 25
Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: The coordinating/managing entity did not use the latest version at the time of the submission of the request for renewal of PoA period of the methodologies and methodological tools applied in the registered PoA-DD. Please refer to the paragraph 284(a) of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
Specifically, the two generic components make reference to the "Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities Version 09, EB 68 Annex 27", which is no longer valid.
2: The CME did not describe correctly how the project boundary of each of the corresponding CPAs was defined. Please refer to paragraph 100 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
The boundaries of the CPAs defined in the generic components are defined as the geographical boundary of India, which is not consistent with the definition of project boundary contained in the applied methodologies.
3: The coordinating/managing entity did not justify the choices of different options and/or default values from applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines or other applied methodological regulatory documents. Please refer to paragraph 109 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
The generic component for water and solar states that the parameter QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored. However, the monitoring plan contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters used to determine QPW based on Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)).
4: The CME did not describe how to develop a monitoring plan for each of the corresponding CPAs in accordance with the applied methodologies. Please refer to paragraph 115 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
The generic component for water and solar contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) from Option 1 (paragraph 16(a) of the methodology), Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)). However, the section I.6.1 states only that QPW will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored.
5: The updated eligibility criteria for inclusion of CPAs in the PoA does not reflect possible version update or change of applied methodologies or the other applied methodological regulatory documents. Please refer to paragraph 284 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
For both generic components, the additionality of CPAs (eligibility criteria 10) will be demonstrated based on paragraph 2(c) of the “Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities”, version 9.0, i.e. that a barriers analysis is not required to document additionality for projects that are solely composed of isolated units where the users of the technology/measure are households or communities or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and where the size of each unit is no larger than 5 per cent of the small-scale CDM thresholds. However, this guideline is no longer valid. When demonstrating additionality of CPAs, the CME shall refer and apply the requirements from the valid methodological tools (including its version) and to the other valid methodological regulatory documents.
6: The DOE did not assess whether the updated PoA-DD complies with all
the requirements of the selected methodology, methodological tool and/or standardized baseline except for additionality demonstration. Please refer to paragraph 385 of the VVS-PoA version 2.0
The DOE validated that additionality of the CPAs will be assessed at the time of inclusion by applying paragraph 2(c) of the "Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities", version 09. However, this guideline is no longer valid and the DOE shall assess the eligibility criteria do demonstrate additionality based on the requirements from the valid methodological tools (including its version) and to the other valid methodological regulatory documents.
7: The DOE did not validate whether the modalities for developing the monitoring plan with the applicable requirements in the valid version of the methodologies.
The DOE validated that the generic component for water and solar contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) from Option 1 (paragraph 16(a) of the methodology), Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)). However, section I.6.1 of the CPA-DD states only that QPW will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored.
1: The coordinating/managing entity did not use the latest version at the time of the submission of the request for renewal of PoA period of the methodologies and methodological tools applied in the registered PoA-DD. Please refer to the paragraph 284(a) of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
Specifically, the two generic components make reference to the "Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities Version 09, EB 68 Annex 27", which is no longer valid.
2: The CME did not describe correctly how the project boundary of each of the corresponding CPAs was defined. Please refer to paragraph 100 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
The boundaries of the CPAs defined in the generic components are defined as the geographical boundary of India, which is not consistent with the definition of project boundary contained in the applied methodologies.
3: The coordinating/managing entity did not justify the choices of different options and/or default values from applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines or other applied methodological regulatory documents. Please refer to paragraph 109 of the PS-PoA version 2.0
The generic component for water and solar states that the parameter QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored. However, the monitoring plan contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters used to determine QPW based on Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)).
4: The CME did not describe how to develop a monitoring plan for each of the corresponding CPAs in accordance with the applied methodologies. Please refer to paragraph 115 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
The generic component for water and solar contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) from Option 1 (paragraph 16(a) of the methodology), Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)). However, the section I.6.1 states only that QPW will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored.
5: The updated eligibility criteria for inclusion of CPAs in the PoA does not reflect possible version update or change of applied methodologies or the other applied methodological regulatory documents. Please refer to paragraph 284 of the PS-PoA version 2.0.
For both generic components, the additionality of CPAs (eligibility criteria 10) will be demonstrated based on paragraph 2(c) of the “Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities”, version 9.0, i.e. that a barriers analysis is not required to document additionality for projects that are solely composed of isolated units where the users of the technology/measure are households or communities or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and where the size of each unit is no larger than 5 per cent of the small-scale CDM thresholds. However, this guideline is no longer valid. When demonstrating additionality of CPAs, the CME shall refer and apply the requirements from the valid methodological tools (including its version) and to the other valid methodological regulatory documents.
6: The DOE did not assess whether the updated PoA-DD complies with all
the requirements of the selected methodology, methodological tool and/or standardized baseline except for additionality demonstration. Please refer to paragraph 385 of the VVS-PoA version 2.0
The DOE validated that additionality of the CPAs will be assessed at the time of inclusion by applying paragraph 2(c) of the "Guideline on the Demonstration of Additionality of Small-Scale Project Activities", version 09. However, this guideline is no longer valid and the DOE shall assess the eligibility criteria do demonstrate additionality based on the requirements from the valid methodological tools (including its version) and to the other valid methodological regulatory documents.
7: The DOE did not validate whether the modalities for developing the monitoring plan with the applicable requirements in the valid version of the methodologies.
The DOE validated that the generic component for water and solar contains the monitoring provisions of the parameters needed to determine QPW (total quantity of water purified by the project in year y) from Option 1 (paragraph 16(a) of the methodology), Option 2.1 (paragraph 17(a)) and Option 2.2 (paragraph 17(b)). However, section I.6.1 of the CPA-DD states only that QPW will be determined based on Option 1 of AMS-III.AV (paragraph 16(a)), i.e. directly monitored.
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